Voice Mail Tile


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Mar 23, 2011
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Okay, I know that this is going to probably get flamed, but I am horrible at remembering to check Voicemail. I know that on the lock screen it shows if there is a voicemail, but it is really small. And for some reason, when I have a voice mail it does not show as a number in the message tile. Does anyone know how to show un answered voicemails in your message tile or is there a tile that just shows voicemail messages?


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Jan 30, 2011
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Okay, I know that this is going to probably get flamed, but I am horrible at remembering to check Voicemail. I know that on the lock screen it shows if there is a voicemail, but it is really small. And for some reason, when I have a voice mail it does not show as a number in the message tile. Does anyone know how to show un answered voicemails in your message tile or is there a tile that just shows voicemail messages?

No flaming here good sir, unless of course you're a troll that likes to give inaccurate information about how WP7 is "gonna fail" lol... Anyways it shows up on the phone tile, its a little reel icon that shows up right below the phone and a number for missed calls obviously, if you've checked your missed calls but not your voicemail then the number disappears but the little reel will stay on the tile.


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Mar 23, 2011
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No flaming here good sir, unless of course you're a troll that likes to give inaccurate information about how WP7 is "gonna fail" lol... Anyways it shows up on the phone tile, its a little reel icon that shows up right below the phone and a number for missed calls obviously, if you've checked your missed calls but not your voicemail then the number disappears but the little reel will stay on the tile.

No, I am not a troll. Trust me. If anything I am a ******. I was a verizon customer for 8 years and switched a month ago just to get a WP7. So my Missed calls and unanswered VM's are on the same tile. I checked the app store, and could not find a tile that just showed voicemail. I am sure that someone will come up with one in the future. Just was asking if there was a setting that I could have a tile that showed un answered voicemails.

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