New member
- Sep 2, 2013
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It's a little bizarre, because the MS FAQ also says it's there (for Dual SIM), and on NokiaPowerUser there's a video that shows it on the 950.
It's that whole deal again, is it an "odd" provisioning problem with the dual-SIM variants, or is it something that MS just never finished on those, like VVM for dual-SIM, that took a while to get sorted (and that was when there was still significant momentum)?
It would be interesting, for someone to take a SIM, run VoLTE on a known-good/working phone, and then swap the SIM into the 950/XL, and see if it works ,briefly.
There's a guy on the AT&T forums that got his Moto-X (I think that was the model anyway) to make a VoWiFi call this way, until AT&T provisioning steps in, and kills it (he said a few minutes).
Slyronit, you could potentially try this with your "note 3", as mentioned?
This isn't likely to help us here in the US, either way, since our carriers have decided (mostly) that unless you're iOS, you can't do any VoLTE.
Although non-AT&T carriers are starting to change here, allowing some non-branded Android phones to work, so that's progress, for some anyway.
I wish I could go to Fi, and have my phone, darn it, I'd jump ship in a minute. There you get TMo, Sprint, and all their roaming signal too, like AT&T, plus it "just works" with WiFi, for most use.
It's that whole deal again, is it an "odd" provisioning problem with the dual-SIM variants, or is it something that MS just never finished on those, like VVM for dual-SIM, that took a while to get sorted (and that was when there was still significant momentum)?
It would be interesting, for someone to take a SIM, run VoLTE on a known-good/working phone, and then swap the SIM into the 950/XL, and see if it works ,briefly.
There's a guy on the AT&T forums that got his Moto-X (I think that was the model anyway) to make a VoWiFi call this way, until AT&T provisioning steps in, and kills it (he said a few minutes).
Slyronit, you could potentially try this with your "note 3", as mentioned?
This isn't likely to help us here in the US, either way, since our carriers have decided (mostly) that unless you're iOS, you can't do any VoLTE.
Although non-AT&T carriers are starting to change here, allowing some non-branded Android phones to work, so that's progress, for some anyway.
I wish I could go to Fi, and have my phone, darn it, I'd jump ship in a minute. There you get TMo, Sprint, and all their roaming signal too, like AT&T, plus it "just works" with WiFi, for most use.