VoLTE on Unbranded Lumia 950XL DS

It's a little bizarre, because the MS FAQ also says it's there (for Dual SIM), and on NokiaPowerUser there's a video that shows it on the 950.

It's that whole deal again, is it an "odd" provisioning problem with the dual-SIM variants, or is it something that MS just never finished on those, like VVM for dual-SIM, that took a while to get sorted (and that was when there was still significant momentum)?
It would be interesting, for someone to take a SIM, run VoLTE on a known-good/working phone, and then swap the SIM into the 950/XL, and see if it works ,briefly.
There's a guy on the AT&T forums that got his Moto-X (I think that was the model anyway) to make a VoWiFi call this way, until AT&T provisioning steps in, and kills it (he said a few minutes).
Slyronit, you could potentially try this with your "note 3", as mentioned?

This isn't likely to help us here in the US, either way, since our carriers have decided (mostly) that unless you're iOS, you can't do any VoLTE.
Although non-AT&T carriers are starting to change here, allowing some non-branded Android phones to work, so that's progress, for some anyway.
I wish I could go to Fi, and have my phone, darn it, I'd jump ship in a minute. There you get TMo, Sprint, and all their roaming signal too, like AT&T, plus it "just works" with WiFi, for most use.
Good idea. I just put my SIM in a Xiaomi, gor VoLTE as soon as the phone booted up, kept it there for an hour, swapped to my phone. Nothing. By now, I am pretty sure the phone doesn't have VoLTE enabled. Back to the Xiaomi, the phone pretty much had VoLTE as soon as it booted.
Originally posted by PGrey
Originally Posted by tsax6010
While I lament the loss of functionality on my own 950XL on AT&T, I do not agree that it is odd or wrong of MS in any way to advertise functionality that the phone is perfectly capable of performing. I do however think that AT&T's policies towards BYOD leans towards the class action lawsuit side of things and should be reviewed by the FCC.

The phone is carrier unbranded and these features are carrier specific. From Microsoft's standpoint they included the functionality and thus can advertise it as such. It is not their fault that AT&T are asshats when it comes to supporting unbranded devices. I have heard of people with the 950XL in other countries using VoLTE and/or Wifi calling on their carriers with no problems.

It's not just AT&T though, it's pretty much any carrier (in the US), T-Mobile is saying the same, they're claiming MS never completed "certification" with them.

I don't think you'll hear of any others with a dual-SIM Win10m phone using VoLTE, I think this isn't finished, on the MS side, but I could be wrong.
Does anyone know for sure this works with a dual-SIM Win Phone? I know I saw someone post about it NOT working, in India.

I agree, that somehow the carriers (mostly AT&T here) need some "leverage" to get behind this, particularly since they're trending towards LTE-only implementations moving forward, so without VoLTE, you might have a really strong signal, but not voice capability.
This is sort of the way it is at my house, I have screaming fast data on Band 17, but my voice (I think it's band 4, I'd have to go back and check) is really iffy, drops all the time, etc. If I had VoLTE, or WiFi Calling, I would have voice just fine.

Does anyone want to start an FCC complaint? I'm a bit tenuous, because I work on the AT&T forums, as one of their MVP types, so I have to "tread a bit carefully".
I agree, I'm pretty "annoyed" with their policy, they always say "branded only" but then run and hide if I mention the iOS thing, apparently they don't want to discuss that, because it's completely outside of the model.

I do want to help with an FCC complaint.
Thanks, Slyronit, for the test. It this is reasonably definitive, obviously not a full test-set, but I know of a person who tried with a single SIM, Motorola phone on AT&T from a VoLTE supported device, and it worked for them, for about 10 minutes anyway.

If our devices are still not properly enabled, the dual-SIM models anyway, then I'm not sure where to take it next.
MS clearly isn't big on looking into this, or they would've already worked with the carriers (not even T-Mobile, who has VoLTE on a LOT of phones) works with the Microsoft Lumia phones.

I still think that AT&T is pretty sketchy, in their branded-only policy, but I was doing some more reading, and I think they can claim APTN (Application to Protect the Network), since they can likely show they haven't tested un-branded devices on their networks, extensively, with the new features.
The other carriers seem to be letting this slide, because it "just works" in most cases, but I think this is where it would come down to with AT&T.
I found another case where someone did file a complaint, but they responded with this requirement, at least that's what it looked like (part of it was obscured, in the settlement side).
It was a while back though, about 1.5 years, who knows, maybe there's more going on, and things would get farther with a new complaint...
Originally posted by PGrey
Thanks, Slyronit, for the test. It this is reasonably definitive, obviously not a full test-set, but I know of a person who tried with a single SIM, Motorola phone on AT&T from a VoLTE supported device, and it worked for them, for about 10 minutes anyway.

If our devices are still not properly enabled, the dual-SIM models anyway, then I'm not sure where to take it next.
MS clearly isn't big on looking into this, or they would've already worked with the carriers (not even T-Mobile, who has VoLTE on a LOT of phones) works with the Microsoft Lumia phones.

I still think that AT&T is pretty sketchy, in their branded-only policy, but I was doing some more reading, and I think they can claim APTN (Application to Protect the Network), since they can likely show they haven't tested un-branded devices on their networks, extensively, with the new features.
The other carriers seem to be letting this slide, because it "just works" in most cases, but I think this is where it would come down to with AT&T.
I found another case where someone did file a complaint, but they responded with this requirement, at least that's what it looked like (part of it was obscured, in the settlement side).
It was a while back though, about 1.5 years, who knows, maybe there's more going on, and things would get farther with a new complaint...

Thanks, I had an incredible stroke of luck and had a friend visiting from Hong Kong with an unlocked Single SIM 950XL. Popped the SIM into it, no VoLTE. Flashed EE UK firmware and voila! I could suddenly make calls.

This proves beyond doubt that VoLTE is only enabled on carrier branded phones, and since there's no carrier branded dual-sim variant, we are basically screwed. This also proves that technically if they enable VoLTE on their handsets (like the iPhone and almost every Android handset out there), it would work, if the carrier allows your phone.

My friend has eventually decided to stay on the EE UK firmware, and will confirm in a fortnight if the HK carriers also allow VoLTE on his phone with the new firmware.
I would say if it works in HK, with the the EE firmware, than it's more likely that the dual-SIM variant is the issue, not the carrier branding.
It would seem odd if his HK carrier required branding, but not their branded firmware, since that's what the whole carrier argument is, them certifying their firmware variant only (even though we all know this is a bunch of something ...).

Definitely interested to hear how the "experiment" progresses, with the EE firmware in HK.
If it works, I might try flashing the AT&T firmware onto my 950XL, I'm sort of about done with it anyway, in the event it became a brick, I'd be upset, but not like I would have been a few months back.

I personally am really starting to think MS just didn't finish some linkage, for dual-SIM and WiFi calling, much like the VVM problem on dual-SIM, which took several months to get patched...
Yeah, the DUAL-SIM thing is an issue, as well as it not being enabled on country variant firmwares on Single SIM versions.

Even if it doesn't work with the HK carrier, it would be because the carrier has blocked un-supported(by them) phones from using VoLTE.

I will report in a couple of weeks.
Originally posted by ankit360
so what will be our next move ? we have to report this to microsoft .
How? I raised this on MS answers, official answer was that VoLTE is only available on carrier branded handsets with specific carriers.

The India page for 950XL doesn't claim VoLTE, so legally we can't do anything either.

It is not the case of an advertised feature not working, it is a case of a feature which could have been easily implemented, not being implemented.

We can ask nicely, but not sure who to approach.
Maybe feedback hub ? You create new feedback and then we gather people around the internet to upvote it .
There are many in feedback hub for VoLTE. I have upvoted most. Would be great if people on this thread can search for VoLTE in feedback hub and up vote.
Have the same issue...was not even able to activate my SIM since volte is not supported... Had to use an Android phone to activate... This is disappointing
I contacted Microsoft on their facebook page and this is the conversation as of now-
Hi, I have been using lumia 950 for the last six months, and being such an expensive handset it is really disappointing that there is no option to enable VOLTE, which is easily possible even in cheap androids also. However as per the phones specification it does support VOLTE and HD calling.Please advise you have plans to enabled this feature with future updates. Thanks Sandeep Rawat Mob-9897244485, Email - Sandeep3764@gmail.com
FRI 10:00AM
Hello Sandeep! Glad you reached out. The VoLTE service varies by network operators. We suggest that you check with your service provider for availability. Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.
Hi, Please be advised that I am using Reliance Jio network, which is providing VOLTE service. The same sim when put on android phone , the VOLTE servce is working but when I put on my Lumia 950 it does not work. Please advise on this matter. Any kind of assistance would be highly appreciated. Thanks
FRI 11:07AM
We understand your eagerness to get the VoLTE service. However, it would be best to contact your service provider regarding this issue. We're just here if you need further help.
SAT 5:00PM
Already contacted Reliance Jio- They said that their sim are Volte ready for any phone which support Volte.Please find the attched picture of Lumia 950 in US, which support VoLTE, however similar setting is not available with india specific phone. Please look into the matter and advise if any updtae will be required from Microsoft to enable this setting. Thanks
SAT 6:44PM
Hello, Sandeep! VoLTE feature for Lumia 950 is only enabled by specific operators. If the SIM that you're using is VoLTE ready and it's having issues activating on your device, we recommend take your phone to your mobile operator to have it checked.
I contacted Microsoft on their facebook page and this is the conversation as of now-
Hi, I have been using lumia 950 for the last six months, and being such an expensive handset it is really disappointing that there is no option to enable VOLTE, which is easily possible even in cheap androids also. However as per the phones specification it does support VOLTE and HD calling.Please advise you have plans to enabled this feature with future updates. Thanks Sandeep Rawat Mob-9897244485, Email - Sandeep3764@gmail.com
FRI 10:00AM
Hello Sandeep! Glad you reached out. The VoLTE service varies by network operators. We suggest that you check with your service provider for availability. Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.
Hi, Please be advised that I am using Reliance Jio network, which is providing VOLTE service. The same sim when put on android phone , the VOLTE servce is working but when I put on my Lumia 950 it does not work. Please advise on this matter. Any kind of assistance would be highly appreciated. Thanks
FRI 11:07AM
We understand your eagerness to get the VoLTE service. However, it would be best to contact your service provider regarding this issue. We're just here if you need further help.
SAT 5:00PM
Already contacted Reliance Jio- They said that their sim are Volte ready for any phone which support Volte.Please find the attched picture of Lumia 950 in US, which support VoLTE, however similar setting is not available with india specific phone. Please look into the matter and advise if any updtae will be required from Microsoft to enable this setting. Thanks
SAT 6:44PM
Hello, Sandeep! VoLTE feature for Lumia 950 is only enabled by specific operators. If the SIM that you're using is VoLTE ready and it's having issues activating on your device, we recommend take your phone to your mobile operator to have it checked.
what a stupid reply from Microsoft support . :angry:
Thanks, I had an incredible stroke of luck and had a friend visiting from Hong Kong with an unlocked Single SIM 950XL. Popped the SIM into it, no VoLTE. Flashed EE UK firmware and voila! I could suddenly make calls.

This proves beyond doubt that VoLTE is only enabled on carrier branded phones, and since there's no carrier branded dual-sim variant, we are basically screwed. This also proves that technically if they enable VoLTE on their handsets (like the iPhone and almost every Android handset out there), it would work, if the carrier allows your phone.

My friend has eventually decided to stay on the EE UK firmware, and will confirm in a fortnight if the HK carriers also allow VoLTE on his phone with the new firmware.


Good to know that you made Jio worked on your 950XL Single Sim. I got my 950XL Single Sim from Europe and right now am using in India. I tried Jio SIM only data work couldn't make call.

Are you sure I will be able to make call if I flash the EE UK firmware ? And what are the thing I am going to miss when I flash that firmware and what are the gain ?

Can you also please link me to the firmware ?

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