Vote to bring back Recent documents lists on the Start Menu


Active member
Nov 13, 2012
The previous TP brought back an oldie but a goodie: expandable lists of recent files for Word, Explorer, Notepad, etc on the Start Menu, see first screenshot below. This is super convenient for quickly getting to a file or a folder that you were working with.

The latest TP brought a redesigned Start Menu which removed this again, see second screenshot. It looks nice and clean, but it's less functional. I'm sure they could come up with a design that is clean but that still offers recent file lists.

If you'd like to have this functionality back, please vote to bring back this power feature by going to the Feedback app, on the left side select 'start', and in the search bar type 'recent'. If you sort by Me Toos you'll see the request near the top.

The version with recent docs lists (arrows in the left column):


The new version without the recent docs lists. Slick, but less functional:

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I personally have used the right-clicking of the pinned app (for a particular file type) or File Explorer (within the taskbar) option since Windows 7...but I know everyone has there own workflows....asking 5 people if they use the start button got us Windows 8.0, right?
I think they will bring it back. They already said they'll be adding more functionality with the start menu in future builds, I think they just wanted us to be able to test the new design instead of keeping us waiting til they were finished.
I personally have used the right-clicking of the pinned app (for a particular file type) or File Explorer (within the taskbar) option since Windows 7...
Same here, the jump lists are a pretty good replacement, but for apps that aren't pinned I like being able to quickly get to a recent doc. I forgot how much I'd missed it until they brought it back. MS giveth..

I think they will bring it back. They already said they'll be adding more functionality with the start menu in future builds, I think they just wanted us to be able to test the new design instead of keeping us waiting til they were finished.
I hope that's true, although if they were certain about this you'd think they'd say so. Fingers crossed / feedback posted!
In the start menu of the latest build, any idea how can I add more items to the Places section?
Im on the fence about this - on my desktop computer, sure, im ok with it - but in Tablet mode - I want that entire row of information hidden. The recent/all apps list should be hidden, and a swipe gesture / hamburger icon away from showing up - similar to on Windows Phone start screen, you swipe to the right, and it reveals the app list.
Im on the fence about this - on my desktop computer, sure, im ok with it - but in Tablet mode - I want that entire row of information hidden. The recent/all apps list should be hidden, and a swipe gesture / hamburger icon away from showing up - similar to on Windows Phone start screen, you swipe to the right, and it reveals the app list.

I made the same suggestion in the Feedback app. It just seems odd and unnecessary to have the "All Programs" list listed by default when in tablet mode. It's wasted space for quickly accessing apps. I'm fine with the location of it, just not the fact that it's displayed at all times and by default.

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