W10 TP on our 810


Diving back in with 10166. It failed the first time from going from 8.1 to W10 10166. I left the microSD card in (big mistake). I had to use the WPRT to take it back to W8.0, then bring it back up to W8.1, then up to W10 10166. This time I took out the microSD card, and didn't do any restores during the whole process. Also this time, on the upgrade to W10-10166 I let it run while I went to bed. Woke up with a functioning phone this time.

I just did a reset on W10-10166 and used the restore feature to bring the phone back to looking what I'm used to (I may regret this later). But at least I can do a screen shot of the tile layout (forgot to last time), and my have to reset the phone again to see if there are any speed and battery improvements.
Anyone having luck with slow ring 10.0.12648.133? I have tried twice on my 810 and just get a looping boot. Is it maybe because I don't have a sim card in the phone?
Not sure what to say. Did you press the 'check' button at the end? I ran into this one time that it really wouldn't take till you pressed that one last button in the Windows Insider app, even though it said it was "Done".

Then try rebooting, and then refreshing for updates.
Not sure what to say. Did you press the 'check' button at the end? I ran into this one time that it really wouldn't take till you pressed that one last button in the Windows Insider app, even though it said it was "Done".

Then try rebooting, and then refreshing for updates.

yes tried it twice, no change. I went ahead with the slow ring install and if it crashes for a 3rd time ill start over and try fast ring.

update: Did the slow ring update, at boot loop, did a hard reset. This went through a loading sequence then black screen with no response. From here not sure if it was just the phone running slowly like I have heard in different posts but I did a soft reset from here and the phone loaded with windows 10 successfully. I case others are having the same issue.
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OK, the battery life is just as bad as before. But I finally figured it out. Turning off 'location services' and the battery life goes back to W8.1. But it sucks turning off location services, the map app is worthless, and other apps have a hard time.
Damn it. It ate my microSD card. W10-10166 wiped out 95% of the files on it with any error what-so-ever. Yes I have backups, but damn.

Also, battery drain is back to overwhelming. Even with location services turned off.
I know this is off topic and all but does anyone have the last fw update files for the 810? I can't create a thread since I'm a new member :( Extreme kudos to whoever has them.
Using the developer preview app, going to W8.1u1 is time consuming, but everything works just fine on the 810.

It's time consuming because you have like 3 or 4 updates to get through going from 8.0 to 8.1u1.

Now here's a weird thing. I put the latest W10 on my 810. Got frustrated and used the WSRT and went back to 8.0. Loaded the developer preview, and went through all the updates. Then did a reset from the About screen, (had to do another update after that), and low and behold the phone reports back that is running "Denim"
Using the developer preview app, going to W8.1u1 is time consuming, but everything works just fine on the 810.

It's time consuming because you have like 3 or 4 updates to get through going from 8.0 to 8.1u1.

Now here's a weird thing. I put the latest W10 on my 810. Got frustrated and used the WSRT and went back to 8.0. Loaded the developer preview, and went through all the updates. Then did a reset from the About screen, (had to do another update after that), and low and behold the phone reports back that is running "Denim"

I can confirm this, though I've never gotten to WP10 without a bootloop.
Using the developer preview app, going to W8.1u1 is time consuming, but everything works just fine on the 810.

It's time consuming because you have like 3 or 4 updates to get through going from 8.0 to 8.1u1.

Now here's a weird thing. I put the latest W10 on my 810. Got frustrated and used the WSRT and went back to 8.0. Loaded the developer preview, and went through all the updates. Then did a reset from the About screen, (had to do another update after that), and low and behold the phone reports back that is running "Denim"

Just did the restore and also running Denim, had to load 10 to get though. It really is a more polished fw and the 810 seems to take to it very well. Going to fab up a mount for the dirt bike for Here Drive GPS and 1080p video footage. Our 810's are still amazing phones and I still use it in the field using Nokia's music app and Here Drive. Too bad they sold it off now what happens to us phone users?
I apologize for being off topic, somewhat... Now that W10 mobile is here. Fellow 810 users, I downloaded and tested the upgrade advisor for windows 10 and was already expecting a big fat NO. But for some reason, it said my 810 is eligible! Anyone getting this "bug" given that 810 isn't in the list?

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I just ran Update Advisor on my 810 and it says "Your phone is not supported for the upgrade to Windows 10". :cry:
How and where did you get the W10 upgrade to the Lumia 810? Been looking for that for a while . . .

here is link how you can install on Lumia 810.

here is link for glance tutorial

Trust me up here you can do it!!!
on first Lumia 810 I got stock on 15007.100
and second Lumia 810 I got up to 10586.107
when I used DHT Upgrade Advisor

as of today started on one Lumia 810 from windows 8 up to 10586.107
cim card was out
then I did:
a)change " PhoneManufacturer " = MicrosoftMDG
b)change " PhoneManufacturerModelName " = RM-1085_11302 (for Single SIM devices) // *** For all dual sim devices try = RM-1116_11258 ***

4) change PhoneModelName = Lumia 950 XL (single sim) or Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM (for dual)

5)change PhoneHardwareVariant = RM-1085

6) install windows insider from store (I selected fast)

you will need to create PhoneHardwareVariant I am not sure it will work with it!

first I got 14393.67
and second 15063.2
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