W10M Insider Preview 10586.420 Discussion (Threshold Branch, Inactive)

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Is it just me?

Or with 10586.420 did the "throw" on lockscreen to get the PIN pad become more difficult.

I used to be able to just flick and get it. Now it is a loooong slide, finger on the screen the whole travel.

Unlocking works fine for me. A light flick still works usually.

Also, my 640 only on this build won't show notifications when locked. They show in the action center and even play sound when the screen is unlocked, but I get nothing when it's locked except for the Glance quick status counter.
There's still a hitch in SMS audio notifications when connected to Bluetooth on my Lumia 830. It's like the device lags out, and only with Bluetooth. Wondering if any others with this model are experiencing this. It's been an issue for some time.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 10586.420 Issues (Threshold Branch, Release Ring)

I know but seriously anybody's out there whose wifi hotspot working under lock screen especially 920/925/1020 on .420??. With this update its completely broken, screen on/off doesn't matter, thinking of reverting to WP 8.1

Since any form of W10 is not supported on the 920/925/1020 I'd recommend reverting to 8.1.


Having said that I cannot get internet sharing to work correctly on my Lumia 950. Only had it 2 months ago so I haven't checked if the screen is locking or not but that would explain the issue.

Internet Sharing using the same sim card in my Lumia 830 on 8.1 GDR2 works perfectly.

My Lumia 950 DS was purchased from the MS online store in the USA, current carrier is Optus in Australia, build 420
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I want 10586.420.present my mobile os is 10.0.14372.0

you're at a higher build than what you're asking for. To get back to the threshold branch (10586.xxx), you'll need to use windows device recovery tool to restore the original OS that came with your phone and then you upgrade from there to 10586.420. If you'll be using insider app to upgrade, please note that you have to select release ring and not fast or slow ring
It's been a problem for several builds, but I can't copy/paste content in Edge. Does anyone else have that problem?
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