W10M Insider Preview 14342 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

1004 is on the Slow Ring now? I may actually take the plunge and try Redstone. We'll see if I manage to talk myself out of it by the time I get home from work this evening.

So I went for it. Process was exceptionally fast and smooth. I did not do a hard reset or a clean install, just moved to the Slow Ring and updated. The only hiccup I had was that I had to delete and re-add my Hotmail email account because it wouldn't sync. So far, everything seems fine and battery life seems as good as it was on Threshold. Haven't had a chance to try out the Bluetooth connection in the car - hoping Cortana will work a bit better for me there in terms of reading text messages.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone Branch, Slow Ring)

I did the same, downloaded the latest build on my 1520. I have to say this is really bad, text size messed up big style, no matter what I try it won't come back to a comfortable style/size, messages alerts not working, Cortana not working,double tap to wake screwed up, so after what must be 8 builds since taking part in the inside programme I've decided to call it a day, revert to 8.1 and move back to android. It's such a shame but I seriously don't think MS is putting an effort into their handsets, this is painfully obvious with the 950 models, and they know it too!! Maybe come back when hp launch the elite phone and try again.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone Branch, Slow Ring)

I did the same, downloaded the latest build on my 1520. I have to say this is really bad, text size messed up big style, no matter what I try it won't come back to a comfortable style/size, messages alerts not working, Cortana not working,double tap to wake screwed up, so after what must be 8 builds since taking part in the inside programme I've decided to call it a day, revert to 8.1 and move back to android. It's such a shame but I seriously don't think MS is putting an effort into their handsets, this is painfully obvious with the 950 models, and they know it too!! Maybe come back when hp launch the elite phone and try again.

Why simply dind'nt stay on official stable build instead of blaming MS for beta software?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I experienced that in the last build but not yet in this build. I have multiple calls per day and it was happening a lot. Hasnt happened yet on this build.

Finally i figured it out, this problem happens when you turn on " Change brightness automatically when lighting changes "
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone Branch, Slow Ring)

So I went for it. Process was exceptionally fast and smooth. I did not do a hard reset or a clean install, just moved to the Slow Ring and updated. The only hiccup I had was that I had to delete and re-add my Hotmail email account because it wouldn't sync. So far, everything seems fine and battery life seems as good as it was on Threshold. Haven't had a chance to try out the Bluetooth connection in the car - hoping Cortana will work a bit better for me there in terms of reading text messages.

Unfortunately, the experience did not stay as positive. I woke up this morning to a virtually dead battery, despite the phone being plugged in with the wall charger. Seems the phone wouldn't see the charger. I soft reset and then it charged OK. Later I had the same problem with the car charger - phone did nothing when it was plugged in. Also had problems with the onscreen keyboard either refusing to appear or hiding what I was typing. Rather than a hard reset, I moved to the fast ring and got the latest build there. Since installing that, everything I have tried has worked perfectly (but early days yet).

I'm going to stay on fast ring as long as I can and provide feedback.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone Branch, Slow Ring)

Unfortunately, the experience did not stay as positive. I woke up this morning to a virtually dead battery, despite the phone being plugged in with the wall charger. Seems the phone wouldn't see the charger. I soft reset and then it charged OK. Later I had the same problem with the car charger - phone did nothing when it was plugged in. Also had problems with the onscreen keyboard either refusing to appear or hiding what I was typing. Rather than a hard reset, I moved to the fast ring and got the latest build there. Since installing that, everything I have tried has worked perfectly (but early days yet).

I'm going to stay on fast ring as long as I can and provide feedback.

Kerry, I thought I was the only one with the charger not being recognized by the phone, so It is not just me (950XL, DS, USA).

I think it started with .1003 for me (first time, I too, woke to a dead phone), did it again in .1004, but less, and...again last night on .14356.1000. I've tried everything; different polarity, different outlet, finally left it plugged in (not charging), and did a soft reset - came on and showed charging. Now I check my phone every night when I put it on the charger.

I have reported, it via feedback. But it looks as it has not been addressed yet. I must say I am rather delighted to see your post regarding this issue, because just today I was contemplating taking my phone in, for a hardware look-see.

Update: just checked; I started experiencing this behavior with build 14332
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone Branch, Slow Ring)

Kerry, I thought I was the only one with the charger not being recognized by the phone, so It is not just me (950XL, DS, USA).

I think it started with .1003 for me (first time, I too, woke to a dead phone), did it again in .1004, but less, and...again last night on .14356.1000. I've tried everything; different polarity, different outlet, finally left it plugged in (not charging), and did a soft reset - came on and showed charging. Now I check my phone every night when I put it on the charger.

I have reported, it via feedback. But it looks as it has not been addressed yet. I must say I am rather delighted to see your post regarding this issue, because just today I was contemplating taking my phone in, for a hardware look-see.

Update: just checked; I started experiencing this behavior with build 14332

Oh, it's definitely not the hardware. I have the same problem now on the current Fast ring build. It also sometimes shows as charging when it's not on the charger. I've noticed that if you shut down (not soft reset) when it's doing that it will immediately restart by itself and work normally after, at least for a while. Today has been better for me.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone Branch, Slow Ring)

Today has been better for me.

Just happen again; I didn't do a soft reset...just Powered Down, and that took care of it (restarted on it own).
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone Branch, Slow Ring)

Yay for Cortana in Denmark! Danish store and US language, glad they finally let us use it and get stuff like Quiet Hours that require Cortana!

Anyone have problems with "Send notifications between devices" ? If I try to activate it, ask for permission and then gives me "I am sorry something went wrong"
After installing 14344 on my Icon and having loads of problems, I went to slow ring and am on 14342 now. It is quite nice and I am not noticing many problems at all. There is a bug where the keyboard often doesn't pop up in Edge when touching in a text box, but I figured out that you can circumvent this by touching the URL to bring up the keyboard, and then going back to the text box in question. I actually had a similar bug in IE for Mobile 8.0 strangely enough. Other than that, I have some random resets (about one per day) and I don't seem to be able to write any files to the default folders (Music, etc) but I have gotten around the latter by adding my own folders. Battery life is much better than it was on 14344 and I not only can I actually use Messaging and Store, but they actually work flawlessly.

As an aside, who the hell designed these emoji? It seems that they paid someone to take the old, average emoji and replace them with the ugliest ones that they could muster. I picture board room meetings with the specific purpose to create the ugliest emoji possible. I can't see any other explanation.
Does the WC app crashing on your Lumia 730/735 running Redstone builds? Mine is always crashing on TH2. I just want to know if maybe the WC app is more designed for RS that probably why it crashing on TH2.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Guys, (girls ?)

I am fighting since at least 3 builds against the brightness settings that are unresponsive on my Lumia 735. I can not adujst anything, either if auto-brightness is set or not.
Anyone else having the same thing ? A hard reset did not change anything.

And my prox sensor is checked working...

Any idea ? All my searches went into no solution.... :(
It's getting a bit annoying with summer coming...


Same brightness issue on 925 with the latest build 14379
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