W10M Insider Preview 14356 Issues (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

I wish they didn't link the tile text size to the text size of everything else. Other than that the build seems to work just fine.
Notification for my text messages seem to have broke. I performed a soft reset and that resolved it for a few hours, then it came back.
Am I Imagining things or did continuum get an upgrade? Using the dock I feel like the resolution is higher than 1080p now.
I have the same 'Quick Action' issue with my 950. The third row is swapped with the first one.

Also, some tiles have a "blank" look... At least, I know where are my tiles, but it's just weird... ;)

View attachment 127128
The quick action bug is annoying. I only have two rows, but for some reason it swaps them upside down. But when you go into settings and switch your actions upside down, the action center completely randomizes it. Leaves some in their old (upside down) spots, puts others wherever it wants.
I am unable to get my 950 XL to send pictures to my Surface Pro 3. Both on the latest fast builds. Phone reports no PC's nearby. Both use the same login account.
Anyone on an Icon able to send MMS? If I swap my SIM into an android or iPhone everything works great. If I leave my icon on prod builds I'm good. But this build and the last build I can't send MMS even after a hard reset. Get the try again error. I can receive MMS fine.

Any ideas? Is there a custom APN I need to set?
I see many issue with this build :
-Keyboard in my language not working
-Cellular Data not working
-Can not open some app, Whatsapp for example
-Crash is very often in Store

build 14342 is better I think
After hard reset, can't check for updates and can't update the store. Tried hard reset once more and few soft resets, but still. Will downgrade now. Hope it won't be issue after upgrading again.
And can't download keyboar suggestions for Serbian. Was able before.

Downgraded all the way to 8.1, upgraded again to this build, hard reset and still cannot check for updates.Can't update to newest store still, says app is up to date, can't force it from link. Any help?
Build 14356 Removed Here Service

After installing this build i couldn't found here maps, here drive. And windows maps disappointed me while tracking location. I waiting after opening map apps, but it couldn't not find my location even after 1 minutes.
I don't know whether this is related to the new build or not, but the Dynamic Theme app is no longer able to set my lockscreen.

I use it for my desktop on Surface and background pic on 640. Works fine. 640 is running 14356. Surface pro is not on insider
Installed the Build on my Lumia 1320 and i can say its much better than the Preview builds available .338. The build seems far more stable and scaling much better. The battery drain is noticable but I have seen this for the first couple of days with every build that I have installed. After that it eases out. App loading is faster and so far no freeze on Lumia 1320 (.338 froze atleast thrice a day).

The only issue I have is Here Maps and Here Drive (which is also known to happen on RedStone builds with working fixes) - will try out the fixes tonight. So far i am happy with what I see (on my Lumia 1320).
Best build so far for me on my L950. Much better performance than previous build.
Battery lifetime is great. +/- 2% per hour (and yes, I use my device all the time) . Only Edge uses a lot battery time.
Fixes for glance are all working.

Only thing I noticed is the 'Check for Updates' button in the store app has no loading image when pressed. But the button itselves seems to work.
Working good on L535, only issue is Edge page load, it load the page but show blank screen for few second and then show the actual site contents.
Installed the build yesterday and feel its responsive and stable (Lumia 950).
When typing a mail, I feel the fonts are more polished.
Network (voice and data) are more stable now.
Music experience is refined. The keyboard issues within edge have now greatly reduced and pops up faster
Camera app flash issue is still there, flash always flashes for few second on start and there's no flash setting in camera app. Anyone else have this issue?
Can't send pics to my computer from my 950 xl. Fixes? At the moment can't send texts from my computer either...
Can't send pics to my computer from my 950 xl. Fixes? At the moment can't send texts from my computer either...

Cannot confirm send picture option as my PC is on 14332, update is in progress, but text from desktop messaging app is working just fine for me.
Welp, it broke half of my live-tiles and all of my licenses on my 950XL. Maybe just back luck on my side but I'm rolling back to production ring and stick to that for now.

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