W10M Insider Preview 14361 Discussion (Redstone Branch, inactive)

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

true... just reverted back to 8.1 and doing another clean install of build 14361. once your hooked onto W10 its difficult to go back to w8.1 :P
hoping the issues iron back out .
off topic question.. my rear camera glass seems to be scratched likewise I can see a small speck of dust in the pictures any way to clean the lense and replace the camera glass?

lens cleaning - you can do this with those special cleaning fiber cloths for spectacles and cameras.
Replacing the lens - a technician could do that for you but I'm guessing not many would have the same type for your phone. A Nokia service centre might be able to help but it could also cost a good amount
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Quick question, haven't read through the post: anyone else having issues with the All Apps list? When doing a quick jump using the alphabet grid, it lines the selected letter with the bottom of the screen instead of the top.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Quick question, haven't read through the post: anyone else having issues with the All Apps list? When doing a quick jump using the alphabet grid, it lines the selected letter with the bottom of the screen instead of the top.

Same here
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Me too on the 950XL.
It takes like 3 atempts on the same letter to jump to the desired letter... This is completely broken.
Also lots of "Resuming" on this build. Everywhere...
Lag is also present. No other build had this amount of lag. Many times, when I press Home it takes like 3-4 seconds to perform the action. Unseen up to this build. Also many times, from Home into an allready opened app I get lag, like a couple of seconds of black screen before the app resumes.

Very very bad build. Today I might do a hard reset and see if things change...

Sent from mTalk
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I think this is a much stable build than previous ones. No lags, resumes etc. that others have mentioned. I haven't had any crashes so far either. If you invoke the SMS app, it is quick. Others are also quick, almost as fluid as the WP8.1.
Lumia 950.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

  1. Music controls keep crashing, better than in the last build, but still problematic (from bluetooth headset, in car), doesn't seem to affect Groove Music, but Spotify/Deezer etc., not sure whether these are implemented at an app level or system level.
  2. When switching from an app in landscape mode with no keyboard (a game for example) to a portrait layout with a keyboard (quick reply in notification centre), keyboard still doesn't show up
  3. No categories in feedback app, so can't leave feedback
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Couple of times switches in settings were disappearing it was solved by restarting each time. And also weather live tile died for no reason and when typing app name in store search field it cancels and closes itself while typing.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

  1. No categories in feedback app, so can't leave feedback
But for me categories are present there. Dunno, seems like you caught a random bug.

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I have to say...this build on my 950 XL really has been great.....Battery life is MUCH better and No Overheating at all. The phone seems snappier and is definitely more stable.....
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Yeah, that's been in there for a long time, but I can understand not noticing it. There's very little fanfare for all the new features and people discover them mostly by accident. There seriously needs to be a comprehensive webpage somewhere that lists and explains in detail each and every feature of the OS.

You are partially correct here. It has been available in the OS, but...

According to release notes, the feature for the floating keyboard, which has been present in a number of devices, was expanded to include MORE 5" devices that were not included before, such as the Lumia 640. A whole lot of people have the 640, so there are bound to be people (like me) finally having this for the first time.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Nokia Lumia 1520

Seems like I'm the only one with a Microsoft Edge issue. Opening the app since the new build only either crashed it within two seconds or opens a blank page. The same thing happens when I try to open external links from email or other apps like this (Windows Central). When the blank page opens, I can't manually open URLs and my favourites are blank. There's no way i can uninstall edge and reinstall it (I'm going to investigate side-loading).

After updating to the new build, the first sign of trouble was that my home screen apps were greyed out and were slowly coming back.

A few of my other apps failed to open giving me the "Can't open app. There maybe an update in Store," pop up. To get around this, I'd either unpin then re-pin the apps live tile or uninstall and re-install the app.

This is further compounded by the fact that Store seems to be running buggy where it either runs very slow or it crashes. Sometimes I see the apps in store and there's a "Launch" button but when I click "Launch" I get the update in store popup again. Then a "Free" button pops up next to "Launch". This allows me to reinstall the app without uninstalling it. Red flag.

My main concern is Microsoft edge.

Any advice other than hard reset or wait for the next build?

I have the same exact issue with Edge on my L950 in the latest 14361 build. Tried searching for some resolution that doesn't involve in having to go back to WP8.1 and then reinstalling 14361. But no luck.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I have the same exact issue with Edge on my L950 in the latest 14361 build. Tried searching for some resolution that doesn't involve in having to go back to WP8.1 and then reinstalling 14361. But no luck.

Why going back 8.1?? Directly hard reset so phone clean re-install last downloaded build and later all core apps
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I'm reverting back to Production Release ring. There's just too many problems with this build and the previous one.

Battery seems pretty darn good in this build. everything is fluid, snappy and just 'feels right'.

But thats about the only positive things I have to say. The store doesn't find updates and it slow as a snail, live tiles aren't always refreshing, sometimes when the keyboard tries to autocorrect something the entire phone starts vibrating like crazy and hangs - I need to pull the battery at this point - and in some cases Groove Music just stops working and I need to reboot the phone to make it work again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still very excited about Redstone builds. My 950XL seems to run like a champ but the NL830 seems to be having some real trouble.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Im experiencing some random reboots too. One that I hate the most is sometimes when i reboot my phone, the notifications center dont show any notifications and I have to Soft reset the phone to have it back. And some issues with heating, the 930 already heats a lot, but with this bug, some times i cant even hold it lol
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

No please.

So this is what i got myself into, i went back to 8.1, and tried to upgrade to windows10 with upgrade advisor, and it wont download, gives error that i have bad connection, i tried that with 3G and 4G wifi devices, diffrent internet provider, im getting 20+ MB download speed.

this has been going on for 2 days now, i hard reset 8.1 and now the store wont let me download anything. . . i am totally ****ed up here. i cant stand using 8.1, its too ugly now. :(
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Nokia Lumia 830 here. Worst update ever. SD card issues (tiles greyed out), random system shutdowns, system will not shut down when commanded (sticks on "Goodbye"). Will perform a hard reset using WDRT. Very disheartening, since I have been an Insider for about a year and I have never really struggled with all previous upgrades in both branches until now.

Hard reset fixed everything, all is good with latest update.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

When downloading instagramit shows hardware does not meet minimu requirement in lumia 640 though it worked fine in the prev build
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Anybody got problems downloading instagram? My one shows direct x not available :/
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

So this is what i got myself into, i went back to 8.1, and tried to upgrade to windows10 with upgrade advisor, and it wont download, gives error that i have bad connection, i tried that with 3G and 4G wifi devices, diffrent internet provider, im getting 20+ MB download speed.

this has been going on for 2 days now, i hard reset 8.1 and now the store wont let me download anything. . . i am totally ****ed up here. i cant stand using 8.1, its too ugly now. :(

Better looking for some wifi free area and retry. I fear you'll never allowed downloadin entire o.s. without it

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