W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

14376 and 14379 lock-screen problems. Every since I got the 14376 on my 950XL I have had lock-screen problems. I unlock my phone with the correct pass-code and it goes blank and then displays, "The device has been locked for security reasons. Connect your device to a power source for at least 2 hours, and then restart it and try again." It has done this twice in the last 12 hours. New build 14379 downloaded this morning unlocked the phone and back again. Very frustrating...
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

No thread yet for build 14379, so reporting here.
'Gadgets' seems to be broken yet again on build 14379. Doesn't list any gadgets/accessories which were working fine in 14376. Can't add new ones as well.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Glance screen not working 1520 after last update
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

The Glance screen is still working on the 950 XL. I'm seeing apps update hanging trying to download. I wind up power off the phone, wait a few seconds, then power the phone on. After checking the apps update, the update hung finishes the download and installs.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Everything sucks about this build phone is totally unresponsive. If MS cannot offer a half decent preview build why should they release it to the public. My phone is now pocket candy as I cannot even make a simple phone call without having to soft reset the phone to start and then afterwards to end the call.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

updated my ICON to 14379 last night. Did a hard reset this morning.
Wifi bug is still there. its getting very annoying. they should dedicate resources to that one and get it fixed once and for all. what are we up to, 3 or 4 releases with that same bug still?
I did see that Gadgets and Hey Cortana got and update this morning along with a couple other items (Gestures & Touch, Gadgets, Equaliser, callSMSfilter).

I have not tried Apps Corner with this build yet.

I do have an issue with Outlook live tile not showing # of unread messages. I have 2 accounts tied with the LinkedInbox and not matter what I do (un pin the tile, soft reset) do not see the unread count on live tile. It was working just fine on 14376 for me but I had not done a hard reset on that build either (not sure if thats related or not). The lock screen notification shows the # of unread correctly so not sure why the medium tile on Start Screen is not showing the #.

Hey Cortana is not working for me at the moment but like I stated, I just got an update for it and will check on that later.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

can confirm: Apps Corner Disappearing Start Icon is still present. First time use, it allows you to pin to the start screen. after first time going into Apps Corner, live tile is gone and you cannot get it back on.
Layout still doesnt save so going back in still leaves the icons all mashed up down the center.
Exiting Apps Corner is about 8 to 10 seconds. And still appears to clear live tiles on start screen (live tiles come back fairly fast but still its noticeable they are cleared).

something else I notice when playing with Apps Corner is that the App Apps -> appears the first time you go into Apps Corner but never again after that. Would like that to be present all the time and could then clear some of the apps from the screen but then still let them access them from All Apps (this also assumes they will fix the layout issue with Apps Corner as well)
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14376 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

so Icon previously was allowed to download and install Wallet 2.0 but now seems after I did a hard reset, ICON is not allowed to download and install Wallet 2.0?

anyone else seeing this happen with new build 14379?
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