W10M Official Release Build 10586.318 Issues

Re: W10 Mobile

1. Lumia motion data
2. Equalizer
3. Rate your device
above 3 apps showing error while updating from store since last 1months. No error code. My device Lumia 640xl W10 official update

Look on your storage move those apps from the SD card to the device memory then update .

Also does anyone know if disabling Cortana on the lock screen help the battery life at all?

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Thanks for trying to help, but I tried all that and it didnt help. I think Im going to have to change the battery. I have had the phone for more than two years now. But Im surprised the problem only started when migrated to W10. I love my L1520; it still looks very new, but the battery gets worse every day now. The phone can go off when the battery is saying there is 60% power in it. I will not last two hours with 100% power. The charging is erratic, and it seems the phone cannot calculate exactly how much power is in there. Its depressing...
Battery steadily decreasing from 50-20%. I don't know how it drains but at these percentages I noticed drastic battery drain. Anyone observed this?
Yes. Battery decreases in certain steps and last only 6-7 hours. In my case to charge it takes abnormal duration.
Battery steadily decreasing from 50-20%. I don't know how it drains but at these percentages I noticed drastic battery drain. Anyone observed this?

Do you have Microsoft Health app installed? There's a bug in latest version causing very high background battery drain. If so, try to disable "running in background" option for it.
I noticed a new bug yesterday. if I change the lockscreen picture to one of the sample images, the pin doesn't show up when I swipe up. It happens now and then and the lockscreen became quite slow. I changed back to one of own images and things are okay now.

So if anyone has a slow or misbehaving lockscreen, change the picture to local instead of sample
Running 10856.318 on Lumia 1520 everything seems ok, great battery life, the only minor glitch I have found is that when I receive messages, there is no sound or indication on locked screen, the only way to find new messages is to unlock phone and open Messaging to check for messages.
Running 10856.318 on Lumia 1520 everything seems ok, great battery life, the only minor glitch I have found is that when I receive messages, there is no sound or indication on locked screen, the only way to find new messages is to unlock phone and open Messaging to check for messages.

Check notification settings in Settings -> Notification.
Change sound from "default".
Leave all option checked BUT NOT "Keep private in lockscreen"
Running 10856.318 on Lumia 1520 everything seems ok, great battery life, the only minor glitch I have found is that when I receive messages, there is no sound or indication on locked screen, the only way to find new messages is to unlock phone and open Messaging to check for messages.

Check if messaging is enabled on background apps
Do you have Microsoft Health app installed? There's a bug in latest version causing very high background battery drain. If so, try to disable "running in background" option for it.

Does that bug apply even if you don't use the app? It's installed ok my phone but I never used it. Think I'm Going to uninstall

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Hi Maurizio tried the suggestion but didn't work, broar94 yes, messaging is enabled on background apps. I guess should wait until next build to see if it gets fixed.
Anyway, I solved the problem, did a hard reset and chose not to use a backup. Now everything works as it should.
I updated my 1520. Now when I checked for apps updates store dose not show any updates. But when search the specific app name it shows update. This very difficult, because we cant search the every apps every day. this is big problem for me. also my camera app crash when I try to video. any help form experts. thanks in advance
I updated my 1520. Now when I checked for apps updates store dose not show any updates. But when search the specific app name it shows update. This very difficult, because we cant search the every apps every day. this is big problem for me. also my camera app crash when I try to video. any help form experts. thanks in advance

After tapping Search for updates, wait few minutes till it should show app updates sorted by date
Plug in Lumia 435 for charging but 20 to 30 seconds pass by before the phone gives an audio notice that its charging. Not a big deal just a glitch that will likely get fixed.

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