W10M on android devices?

Kieran Jeffery

New member
Jul 12, 2014
Why can't Windows 10 mobile just be flashed onto Android devices? Are there any real hardware restrictions? Or is it just down to licensing? If it is just licensing, There must be a Windows Mobile fan out there that can build the necessary flashing tool.
I'm not sure but with something like this, it works best with an agreement. A good example is the Xiaomi Mi 4. There was an agreement to allow that so it happened.
Chief among roadblocks is a locked bootloader on some phones. With it, no unofficial code will fly. (good for security, but bad for freedom and potentially bad for security if updates cease and community ROMs continue on)
Identical hardware will be kept apart by this. (See: HTC One M8 for Android or Windows)

After that, there's a matter of making Windows 10 Mobile be able to even talk to the hardware. While specs may seem the same superficially, there's a lot of differences on a low level that will have to be bridged.
There's just a lot of oddities to make it even work. Someone did get Android on a Lumia 52x though but it isn't exactly daily driver material.

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