Want a new phone. But problems...


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Jun 4, 2013
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The 930 was my great hope for WP... but having used it it's just confirmed my fears at launch, it's way too heavy and ungainly for me.

Either heavy or ungainly by themselves may have been surmountable (though a problem nevertheless) but the combination of the two = no go. While I don't necessarily want an iPhone sized device, it can't be this large and heavy. And to add insult to injury it's launched ~9 months after all the other similar phones, meaning that everything that's coming out alongside it are better phones.

What I'm looking for is a better compromise but I'm not seeing it (buying in UK). At the same time I'm kind of tired of waiting for decent new WP hardware (and the 1530, 930 etc all have detail merits but just aren't competitive as they need to be when you put them up against Android counterparts) and wondering if it's time to call it a day and cut my ties to WP for good.

What could you suggest that would keep me on WP? I wouldn't mind 720p though 1080p would be ideal, but it'll need a Snapdragon 600 at the absolute minimum if available (to actually buy unlocked, i.e. typically starting 2-3 months of release) this year, 1Gb RAM min, have a 4.7" or less screen and weigh less than 140 grams with flagship build quality - no way am I rocking some low-rent junk.

I already have better hardware on the Android and iOS side that meets these specs, I want WP to be one of the OS's I use actively but right now I can't because it's a choice of either huge, heavy and adequate-spec phones or smaller, cheap and utterly inadequate.


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Apr 3, 2013
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I'm probably not the best person to convince you. :p

WP isn't about specs, as I'm sure someone will mention. Even though it's proven it makes it a better overall experience. WP is about the design of the OS. You either love it or hate. You either like being patient or you love just having your phone as is. That's WP.

It's difficult to compare Android, iOS and WP because the users are all different. iOS gets all the apps and look down on everyone else. Android the users love to customize their phones. WP users like to wait and wait some more.

Depending on your use is probably what your deciding factor should be. Yes, I agree totally with you that there are no WPs that I want to get right now. I'm willing to wait some even though I'm running a L920. But saying that, there's no other phone I currently want either. Nothing suits my needs.

So I wait, since I'm used to it. :p


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Jun 4, 2013
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The rumor is that the 730 and 830 will be announced this week. Maybe one of them will be a possibility?

The 830 is kind of my last great hope haha - but again, this is a Nokia so I wonder what an 'affordable high end phone' would be packing CPU-wise (we of course know it'll have at least 1Gb), and also what a Nokia 4.5" phone would weigh given that the 820 - a 4.3" phone - was way too dense as well (to put it into perspective, it weighs the same as the HTC M8, a 5" phone from the One range - that to add insult to injury has been built better than any Nokia).

A whole bunch of other guys signed on recently, many of whom I don't know anything about - so I was hoping there would be something there.

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