Wanted to Say Thank You


New member
Aug 13, 2008
A quick note to say "Thank You" to everyone who provided me help over the last year. I have moved to Android (Sprint HTC EVO4G). I could no longer deal with the daily hard resets and constant fighting with my device to get stuff done. I purchased an EVO about 2 months ago for my son and have enjoyed trying it out. I consider myself a Power User and the TP2 was not able to keep up with what I do. I really like the form and functions but there was too much conflict with apps. I had 3 devices in a matter of 6 months. Sprint was very good about trying to get my TP2 working the way I needed but WM OS has gotten so bloated it works too slow. Droid is like Palm on steroids. Simple to use and very fast. I know it will not be perfect but WM developers need to simplifiy their OS or they will disappear off the market in the near future.
Best of luck to all of you and I suspect I will see some familiar names popping up on Android Central forums in the next year. :cheers::cheers:
Hey fatyank sorry to hear about your repeated episodes of resetting. My tilt2 is doing okay and the official rom update to sense is pretty cool also except that when the screen comes on for a reminder or opening to the today screen generally the data connection gets turned on. Seems kinda strange. Good luck with the evo4g !
Thanks jfa1. I really didn't want to move but the problems were making my
TP2 not reliable for business, I realize some tweaks I had installed may have been the culprits but the performance was not acceptable for what I need and there were apps I had to have. Good luck to you and kraski and bigd5. You folks always had great advice. I hope your devices are doing what you want for you. If WM could get rid of some of the bloat it would be very competitive software.
A side note. The guy that bought my TP2 had it flashed to Cricket:eek::eek: Mine was Sprint. Oh well, he is loving it, I got paid and thats all that matters. :) :)
Good luck with the Evo. I am in the same boat and considering a move to Evo or maybe the Epic, or honestly, even to a BB 9650. My TP2 was replaced by Sprint after a series of screen locks and hard resets wouldn't bring it back to life, but now even the newer one has given me fits. I realized that it just won't function with a Yahoo email account, so I had to ditch that altogether and just access it on occasion thru the web browser. Gmail and Exchange are working fine, but only when I turn off Sense and run stock WinMo 6.5, which I realized kinda defeats the purpose of having a TP2. I enjoyed Sense and all of the short cuts on the home screen, weather, etc...but with it off, 6.5 is pretty bland IMO. I've come to the realization that for the amount of business travel and heavy email/text/phone use I do, I really just need something with good battery life that performs these functions well. Palm does a pretty good job with all of these except battery life. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it until the next HP/Palm device comes out, but I wish they would make a great one with much improved battery life. Android isn't too great yet with full Exchange for calendar items and I don't use my Gmail calendar. Evo battery life isn't great either and you have to shut off a lot of features to get the battery to last, which kinda defeats the purpose. It's a great phone though, for sure. I like a hard keyboard too after years of Treos and the great TP2 keyboard. Epic seems ok, but Samsung's UI never appeals to me. iPhone4 is an option I'm considering since so many colleagues seem to do quite well with them, but I can't stand AT&T. A WP7 device on Sprint seems to be quite a long way away, so I really may just crack down and get a BB 9650 for business efficiency for the next year while a bunch of new phones from Palm, WP7 and Android come out over the next 2 or 3 quarters. There really isn't a great business phone with a hard keyboard and great battery life that does a great job across the board with phone/text/Exchange email/gmail/yahoo email/web browsing. The BB Torch would have been close, but it seems pretty underpowered and the form factor just feels odd in hand when I've compared to other vertical sliders.

Too many near misses out there.
Thanks dtreo, I was beginning to think I was the only one having problems. People I've talked to about the TP2 were having similar problems. Lots of freezing up. I kept losing, well not being able to see my contacts. Would have to do 2 or 3 soft reset and they would reappear.
I really like the EVO for its UI and simplicity. Battery life is not the best but that's an easy work around. I'm considering the SEIDO 3500 battery. Had one on my Treo Pro and it was fantastic. The EVO is large already and of course the extended battery would add more bulk but to me that is minor. For right now I carry a Boxwave multiadapter and my charge/sync cable.
Too many near misses out there is so true. Palm, HTC, Samsung, Apple etc... all make some compromises on their devices to hit their target market and tease the rest of us but it would be fantastic to get a device that was the best of everything. :shake::shake: Don't see that happening real soon. So for now we just have to find one as close to what our ideal device is and move on.:soap: OK I'm done.
So Oct 1 came and went, which put me in upgrade eligible status for Sprint...no WP7 in the near future, a very capable TP2 that is not able to function without shutting off Sense, not cracked up about the Epic interface, not cracked up about Evo battery life and Android full Exchange calendar support anyway, no HP Palm device leaks. Agh!
So Oct 1 came and went, which put me in upgrade eligible status for Sprint...no WP7 in the near future, a very capable TP2 that is not able to function without shutting off Sense, not cracked up about the Epic interface, not cracked up about Evo battery life and Android full Exchange calendar support anyway, no HP Palm device leaks. Agh!

dtreo, have you considered putting a custom ROM on your TP2? I decided to try custom ROMs a few months ago, and after the initial period of anxiety, the difference in speed and stability has been immense. It's almost like an upgrade (but with the same hardware). Just a suggestion. :)
dtreo, have you considered putting a custom ROM on your TP2? I decided to try custom ROMs a few months ago, and after the initial period of anxiety, the difference in speed and stability has been immense. It's almost like an upgrade (but with the same hardware). Just a suggestion. :)

I've certainly thought about it, but it seems that stability is an issue for a lot of custom ROMs. When I'm busy, I just want it to work well, so I've defaulted to stock 6.5. Any suggestions for the most stable custom ones?

btw...that new Motorola Droid Pro is the form factor that I've always wanted in a device capable of running 6.5 really quickly with great battery life, or WP7. Or WebOS. They actually put a somewhat larger battery on the Droid Pro, with an optional bigger one. That's tempting.
I've certainly thought about it, but it seems that stability is an issue for a lot of custom ROMs. When I'm busy, I just want it to work well, so I've defaulted to stock 6.5. Any suggestions for the most stable custom ones?


I started with the Energy ROMs and have been using them since June. As my device was becoming 'old' in the scheme of things, coming out of warranty, and we probably weren't likely to see too many more official updates, I figured it'd be worth a try and see what custom ROMs were like.

I was initially a bit dubious about flashing a custom ROM because I sync my phone to my work's exchange server, and it enforces a security PIN-code, and I needed it to keep that compatibility. As the Energy ROMs come in several flavours, I've only ever stuck to the 'Standard' ones to keep things as close to the stock ROM as I can. I have to say I'm amazed by how the phone feels now. I'm currently running Windows Mobile 6.5.x with the latest version of Sense 2.5, it's been very reliable.

There are a few preliminaries before going for a custom ROM (like HardSPL) but there a step-by-step tutorials around. If you've got a CDMA version of the TP2, you'd be best checking out PPC Geeks.

Here's the Rhodium Energy ROM thread at PPCGeeks, if you want to just poke around a bit to find out a bit more:

Hope that helps.

Great, thanks!

So now it's apparent that a Palm Pre 2 will be out soon that saps half the battery and has a 1 GHz processor. The short battery life has held me back from getting one for the past year since I like my wife's so much. Some "new" models don't arrive until 2011, which isn't too far away.

With so much news coming out so quickly now, the Droid Pro looks nice, WP7 on the near horizon, though not for Sprint, I think I may indeed hang out with my TP2 and a custom ROM until January before getting something new. With my contract now up, I'm getting awfully trigger happy, though...

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