Warning for a5cent: Abuse of Moderator

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Post: Microsoft's inability to communicate with consumers
User: a5cent
Infraction: Abuse of Moderator
Points: 0

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Original Post:
I've copied the following comments from[URL="http://forums.windowscentral.com/windows-phone-8/235150-fyi-important-gdr2-fixes.html"] this thread[/URL]. The OP listed issues that Microsoft had fixed in GDR2. I raised the question why Microsoft isn't able to provide a comprehensive list of all the changes in GDR2, and why we (the WP community) must piece that list together ourselves. Apparently Dave Blake was unhappy with one of my posts, but I wasn't able to respond to his accusations due to this side discussion going off topic in that thread. I am responding here instead:

[QUOTE="inteller, post: 2058362, member: 179271"]they [Microsoft] are not going to post a comprehensive list of these embarrassing flaws that should have never existed.
[QUOTE="a5cent, post: 2058414, member: 170921"]a) if Belfiore can tweet about those 'embarrassing' flaws, then MS can damn well also mention them in the release notes.
b) if MS can make weekly references to bug- and security fixes for their flagship product, Windows, then MS can damn well make quarterly references to such issues for WP.

It's not that MS are too embarrassed to talk about problems. It's that they have some idiots in management who don't understand that the only thing worse than occasional miscommunication, is having no communication at all. They are so scared of making mistakes, that they are frozen into complete inaction.

MS must grow a pair and openly and honestly discuss the state of WP. They must be able to admit mistakes, explain them and be transparent about forthcoming fixes. Frankly, their management's unprofessionalism is a lot more embarrassing than any mistake an engineer could make.
[QUOTE="Dave Blake, post: 2058871, member: 102087"]To what end? See how you react with no information. Imagine how you would act if you knew what you were talking about.[/QUOTE]

Dave, I know quite well what I am talking about. Do you?

Are you suggesting that all the software companies who diligently published detailed release notes during the last three decades were wasting their time? Are you suggesting that it is WPC's job to compensate for Microsoft's poor communication practices,[URL="http://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-clarifies-other-storage-windows-phone-8-gdr2"] by explaining OS bugs and what GDR2 has or has not done to fix them[/URL]? Are you really suggesting that Microsoft's 'shut up' strategy is the perfect approach to public relations?

Obviously these questions are purely rhetorical. I think it is obvious what the purpose of a PR strategy is. 'Shut up' isn't one. I also think it is obvious what the benefits of providing release notes are. If doing so was useless, then the WP community wouldn't be trying to put such a list together right now.

I don't know what information you expected me to provide, but if you tell me I'll gladly provide it. On that note, I would also suggest that you add some more information to your own comment, because the only comprehensible part was your personal attack.

Anyway, I am not voicing an uncommon opinion when I say Microsoft has it a55 backwards when it comes to consumer PR strategy. Providing release notes would be a first step. Acknowledging bugs and providing a roadmap for when Microsoft hopes to fix them would be even better. However, these specific issues are just a small part of a much larger communications problem.

Microsoft may have made a few communication mistakes, but their reaction shouldn't be to shut down communications entirely. I know quite a few current and former MS employees who share my view. [URL="http://hal2020.com/2013/03/05/now-i-get-it-the-consumer-guys-at-microsoft-are-just-plain-wrong/"] This[/URL] is a post by a high profile blogger (ex-Microsoft employee). Maybe you'd prefer to take his word for it over mine (highly recommended reading).

IMHO Microsoft's lack of communications with their consumer base is their biggest problem! Most of the problems they have are matters of perception (slow, complacent, lazy, incompetent, not listening to consumers, arrogant). WP is entering a critical phase. Microsoft and WP needs the enthusiast community, but their communications failures are doing more to alienate us, rather than help us convert more users to WP.

Dave, if you want to make yourself useful, you should be working to raise pressure on Microsoft to improve their communication policies instead of trying to discredit me or justified criticism.

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