Warning for Karthik Naik: Personal Attacks or Insults


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
Post: Are you satisfied with WP8?
User: Karthik Naik
Infraction: Personal Attacks or Insults
Points: 0

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Please refrain from insulting other members. Even calling posters troll is against the rules. At WPCentral we ask that members to polite and respectful to one another even when they disagree.

Original Post:
[QUOTE="Dantekai14, post: 2417566, member: 235370"]I think you are the one doesn't have WP phone and just fool around here.
If you have tones of pics, then you might wanna arrange them. Users like you who only use for calling and chatting doesn't understand the importance of File-Manager.
Well, if you don't know it's the most demanded feature , almost everyone want it except some girly users like you.
[url=http://windowsphone.uservoice.com/forums/101801-feature-suggestions]Feature Suggestions: Hot (48232 ideas) ?€“ Feature Suggestions for Windows Phone[/url]

Sorry but my PC and Laptop aren't fit in my pocket and I can't carry my laptop and PC everywhere. and people do have taste some like to play on PC and some like to play on phone. That is why millions of games are on phone.
Seriously are you this much dumb to come up with this stupid answer. LOL!

UC is very buggy. It very often crashes on my phone. and for my taste ist ugly. Well, I am more talking about what WP is offering us not apps.

and about brightness , if you have bad battery back-up phone you might want to control brightness better way. i never use automatic brightness , it takes much battery. Instead keep brightness low will save battery but even in low brightness , brightness is quite high. So, better if they provide brightness like iOS and Android. You can set brightness as you want it on your phone.

and about quick access , It will doesn't as fast,easy as they are in Android and iOS.

can you tell me how you upload files through IE. Specially the one which doesn't support by WP?

Which file manager allow you to share video through video gallery?

LOL! I don't need that stupid power saving which effect the productivity. To be honest WP doesn't offer better battery back-up. It's same as other yet very poor performance. WP is worst OS in multi-tasking. Have you really check WP battery back-up. Only 2 phone have decent battery back-up among all Limia (L720 and L1520).

How to check File properties of audio, video , document etc....?

Checked most of them are sucks. Good for nothing only pocket File Manager is good but it's paid. Funny that million times better app than this available free on Android .

Even WP developers realize importance of Notification that is why they are bring in WP8.1 . tiles are slow and very messy and have almost nothing to show other than numbers. So, you can't be dumb to say WP8.1 bringing something foolish. I think you aren't the WP user here. Tiles update every 30 mins unless you allow that app running background. So, another foolish comment.

Are you aware the recent leasks which show you can set wallpaper in background of tiles? Well they improve little bit but look like you are happy with your childish customization changing size and color to tiles. this thing makes only makes a child happy.

After reading you comment LOL!
First question
Are you a girl or a boy because you are only telling stupid things., none of them make sense.
Second I doubt you are WP user because you don't know even the basics of WP, you are only here for fooling around
third ,.....go and buy a window phone and then talk.[/QUOTE]

ur the android troll here i have 3 lumias
whats ur problem??? u some forum troll or some frustrated windows phone user who doesnt know anything about windows phone
FYI Im a developer unlike u so called "power user"
stop insulting people like me on every post
as for ur so called 'limitations' get a droid again if u want those "power features" we dont live in the 90s we are in 2014 use modern tech not file managers,
ur stupid not me
i doubt ur either a guy or a girl
why the heck are u cussing at me for???
ur the noob here not me
ill report u next time u post something off topic like that to insult other participants of this thread
u do this sorta trolling on alot of posts believe me ive seen it
are u sure u have a windows phone? or is it some android launcher which makes u believe that?

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