Warning for Ordeith: Taking Threads Off Topic


Moderator Team Leader
Sep 30, 2012
Post: 920 vs 925?
User: Ordeith
Infraction: Taking Threads Off Topic
Points: 0

Administrative Note:
Message to User:

Continuing to advertise AIO in a number of different threads and derailing the thread's topics. This is against the Mobile Nations Community Rules & Guidelines, which we would encourage you to familiarise yourself with here.

[warn]Taking Threads Off Topic - While the interplay of a conversation in the forums will naturally wander; members must not intentionally derail a thread from its original topic.[/warn]

[warn]Self Promotion or Advertising - Mobile Nations maintains a no advertising policy in the forums. Any member found to be advertising, promoting or leaching traffic (including via paid link forwarders) for profit or personal gain will receive a warning PM, and have offending post(s) reviewed by the local moderation team. The local moderation team and Community Manager will work with the member to either a) resolve the issue, or b) issue an appropriate ban. Private Messages or Emails to members soliciting your service will also not be tolerated and accounts found to be doing so will be subject to a ban.[/warn]

This will be your only warning. Should you continue to act in this way, moderators will start issuing infractions.


Original Post:
[QUOTE="metalchick719, post: 2513446, member: 190809"]Quit your spamming. Clearly, if you read the OP's post, he's interested in using a 920 or 925 ON T-MOBILE. You need to stop spamming each and every thread related to T-Mobile![/QUOTE]

You need to stop crying when people are made aware of better options.

If T-Mobile wanted me as a loyal customer and advocate they could have done the work to keep me there.

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