Water-like notification sound


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Hello there,

I hope someone can help me with this cause it's driving me nuts. The thing is that I received a notification that sounded like water dripping or something like that this morning at 11, while I was having my coffee break. Since I was at work, I couldn't spend time looking into it but now I'm really curious. What I did notice was that no toast message appeared on top of the screen and that I didn't have any notification on any tile! It's the second time it's happened (the other time was like a month ago, maybe less). I have a ton of apps so I'm completely at loss here. Any thoughts???

PS: I have a HTC 8X (GDR3).
By the way you're describing the sound it sounds like it could be the sound that happens when you turn on the lock screen. Would be weird to hear that just randomly, but it would explain why you don't have a toast notification. Maybe you "pocketlocked" your phone?
It couldn't have been that because the screen was already unlocked (and I turned off the screen on-off notification some days ago). Besides, the sound lasted much longer (like three times) and it wasn't the same sound... Thanks for the suggestion anyway!
It might be the NFC sound, the one you get when you tap your phone to a NFC enabled device. If you keep your phone next to a credit card or any other card with a chip in it, it'll trigger the sound from time to time. Go to Settings - Tap and Send and turn it off.

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk
Maybe it was Where's My Water notifying you that you haven't played for too long? ;)

Did you install an app right before it happened the first time? It doesn't sound like anything I've heard my phone do...
It might be the NFC sound, the one you get when you tap your phone to a NFC enabled device. If you keep your phone next to a credit card or any other card with a chip in it, it'll trigger the sound from time to time. Go to Settings - Tap and Send and turn it off.

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk

Yeeees! Thank you sooo much! This was it! I hadn't realized it happened when I put my phone on top of my wallet! When I go to the bar for my coffee break, I take my phone and my wallet and sometimes i put my phone on top of my wallet to prevent it from getting scratches. I recently got my credit card replaced with a newer, NFC-enabled one but of course, I hadn't thought of that! Thanks again, I knew I'd find the answer here :)
NFC is a big battery drainer, so turning it off has a double effect.

It's more battery efficient to leave Bluetooth and NFC turned off except for times when you need it.
It's a weird sound, like the fake sound for water dripping... It's very difficult to explain!

Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Tapatalk
Yeeees! Thank you sooo much! This was it! I hadn't realized it happened when I put my phone on top of my wallet! When I go to the bar for my coffee break, I take my phone and my wallet and sometimes i put my phone on top of my wallet to prevent it from getting scratches. I recently got my credit card replaced with a newer, NFC-enabled one but of course, I hadn't thought of that! Thanks again, I knew I'd find the answer here :)

Glad I could help. It used to happen to me a lot, I keep my phone in a case with pockets for credit cards, until I figured it out and turned it off.

How does it sound like? You've managed to make me curious and I cannot test it :(

There you go, this is the sound: bit.ly/1maSKte
Oh, my God! Three years without knowing the reason for such notification. Thank you very much!
This is exactly the issue ☺ it's been driving me nuts on my Lumia 950 for ages. Just read this thread, tested with an NFC bank card and boom. Well, chirpy watery sound ☺
Thank you for the insight 😉

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