way too much drama in the land of windows phone?

Hey, btw I didn't do that. Board Express did.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Everybody has to test, Microsoft, OEM's and Carriers. And with all the different drivers they install, the OEM's have the most to do. I just don't appreciate OEM's, and to a lesser degree, Carriers, holding up Microsoft focused updates to add their own poorly optimized code. Try the Microsoft update on your test devices and if it works as expected, push it through.

Pre-nodo was a result of Samsung doing something unusual with memory, being the only device that permitted SD addons/upgrades. It shouldn't have happened but just possibly Samsung did not fully share what they did to make the Nand & SD memory play nice. Back to that poorly optimized code comment.

And while I realize the buck stops with the Carriers, meaning they take the flack for everyone's mistakes, what do they really optimize on a stock WP7 device. How involved is their testing. And I would really like to know how often they find something supplied by Microsoft that is incompatible with their networks.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

its difficult to say what is optimized if anything. I would assume they do a bit more specific field testing than Microsoft though. Its been pointed out that from the mango images and whatnot it looks like they use the Asus dev devices at least in part. Sdex
your phone isn't your computer. and what weren't you notified about? ever bought a dell computer? they at least used to come with apps no one cares about.

And it takes hours to get a computer up and running from them. My point was when you install yahoo mail, it needs to ask your permision to install yahoo toolbar.

And why is my Focus not a computer?

Except that they have done better already. All phones are definitely eventually getting the update within a month or so from each other, which is far better than several months or if they even get it at all.

Fragmentation wise, so far so good, I meant little fixes, we all want and clamor for.
And it takes hours to get a computer up and running from them. My point was when you install yahoo mail, it needs to ask your permision to install yahoo toolbar.

And why is my Focus not a computer?

Fragmentation wise, so far so good, I meant little fixes, we all want and clamor for.

legally(unless it changed recently) your phone is not a computer. I know of a case where thats trying to be changed I don't know if it has yet. In fact earlier this year a ruling was passed that said police could search your phone without a warrant. The yahoo toolbar analogy doesn't apply here. They can pre-install whatever they want onto the phone and then you buy it ergo you agree to their terms. Also, yahoo toolbar needs permission because of privacy issues. I don't think it would apply to WISPr or the contacts anyway being a function and not a random tetris demo app.
I may be a rabblerouser but i'll ride Microsoft to the grave with this thing If I think they'll be better for it.

That said, I've pimped my Winodws Phone like a go-cart for rent.

The Focus being $50, and the Quantum being free has definitely driven sales, and when more people see them, the more likely they'll be to pick them up.

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