WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Why they call it build I don't know maybe a name like foundation.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I might use my week off too play minecraft and bake virtual cakes.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Most of us on here are WP fans to some extent. On the WP8.1 forum (what a crazy idea at this stage) there's a thread with people begging for a background image option on the Start screen and apps list area. Now, I can care less if people want to do that and waste their battery power so as long as I can turn the option off I'm happy. What are your thoughts? I think it looks silly but that's my opinion.

Just give me the high contrast mode and the colorless look from simple calendar, and the ability to pick 4 different shades (from lightest to darkest) within each of the existing color choices we have, and I'll be happier. Otherwise, leaving it as is is cool too...people like to kvetch about silliness a tad too much sometimes...
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In more relevant Sony news that BP will find titillating, my Z Ultra was shipped today. Mini-review with pics forthcoming once I get it...
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Or go back to Jamaica and get onto some deliciously naughty fun this holiday weekend...��

Sounds like a plan, what do you recommend Jamaica or NYC for the 4th of July week break? Our company shuts down and gives us forced vacation:-) Hawaii was a bit too expensive for three people.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Prescott grows on you. I appreciate it a little more each time we visit. At first I couldn't figure out why my parents retired there. It's nothing like back home in Louisiana. Have made the Canyon trip and hike a few times. The scenery never fails to amaze me.

Haven't been to AZ in about three years. I still have my house there, rented out though. I used to hike the Canyon so many times back in the day....okay now I need to find pics to post here...maybe I will post the Humphrey's hike pics here as well.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Here is a mad scramble to get to the top of Mount Humphrey's, it was windy as heck!
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I noticed how awesome it is to have 3g wherever I am. since I spend more time out of the house going to school and staying in cities where LTE is ....its just awesome :3 but when I go back to orland,ca I enjoy world class 2g ;)
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Somebody jealous of a dual speaker. :P

Not really, actually. The HTC One has it, and the speakers on the 920 are good. It is nice to have high quality speakers, but I don't use my phone's speaker as often as my REAL speakers...

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re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

How is wasting money on sony android any different from wasting it on nexus android? Or any android for that matter?

Well Nexus gets updates faster, and is a lot smoother. I don't use my nexus much anymore, I love WP.

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re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Not really, actually. The HTC One has it, and the speakers on the 920 are good. It is nice to have high quality speakers, but I don't use my phone's speaker as often as my REAL speakers...

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I use my phone speakers alot, same for my Surface 2 so speakers are very important to me on a phone.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Most of us on here are WP fans to some extent. On the WP8.1 forum (what a crazy idea at this stage) there's a thread with people begging for a background image option on the Start screen and apps list area. Now, I can care less if people want to do that and waste their battery power so as long as I can turn the option off I'm happy. What are your thoughts? I think it looks silly but that's my opinion.

The 8.1 forum makes sense if you think about it. There seems to be a new leak everyday. This way we can point people to existing threads instead of having multiple ones all over the place. And it creates a place to round up and move appropriate threads to aid in housekeeping. Maybe a little early, but would be needed sooner than later.

I don't see where there enough blank real estate on the tiles screen for a background image to serve much purpose. But if some people like having it back there, why not? It seems like it would be a bit busy having it behind the apps screen with all the apps, but again to each their own. I agree that it needs to be an option that can be turned on or off.

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