WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It did, especially for someone who can't eat real French Toast, which has Gluten and Eggs!

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I haven't had french toast in a while, then again, i can't have Gluten ether. :(
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

idk why but after crusin with this song with my friends I ended up liking it o.o
mind that they had 2 12 at 500 watts each o.o and his amp was around 1500 watts max so he can still push is :3
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

o.o I just heard a disturbing song ...... not going to post it but hehehee ....so random but so wrong :confused:
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It would seem that Sahib doesn't realise that there are probably millions of people who are vegan, who don't eat any form of meat or dairy and get by just fine. Oh well, I guess he's young. :P

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