WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

sometimes people are mean to women drivers. They honk their horn at me for no reason. Its what kept me away from driving for years. I finally learnt how to drive last year.

Men honk at women for other reasons as well you know :orly:
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

sometimes people are mean to women drivers. They honk their horn at me for no reason. Its what kept me away from driving for years. I finally learnt how to drive last year.

There are a lot of stupid divers out there, some are complete jerks. The horn honking could have been a compliment though.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I realise but it can mean other stuff, but its still irritating because im trying to focus.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

They're doing BBQ burgers and sausages for lunch. The only problem is that the burgers are crap and the sausages are too fatty. Sigh.

I hate eating fatty meat, then again i rarely eat any confectionery and i'm trying to cut down on Chocolates.

And i'm only 14...
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I hate eating fatty meat, then again i rarely eat any confectionery and i'm trying to cut down on Chocolates.

And i'm only 14...

Well I'm a lot older than that. Turn your number around and add one. I'm trying to stop mid-life spread. :P

I generally eat ok but I have a sweet tooth. Then I sometimes eat too much. So I'm fixing both issues slowly. I am also starting to exercise.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well I'm a lot older than that. Turn your number around and add one. I'm trying to stop mid-life spread. :P

I generally eat ok but I have a sweet tooth. Then I sometimes eat too much. So I'm fixing both issues slowly. I am also starting to exercise.

Woah, Well, at least you exercise, i rarely, but i don't have much inspiration to do so anyways.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Woah, Well, at least you exercise, i rarely, but i don't have much inspiration to do so anyways.

I just started exercising. At least your young enough to set yourself to better eating habits. That's a good thing.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

And thus it stalls... oh well, was fun while it lasted. :)

Hey Chregu I know this is probably not in your area of expertise but though you might find this interesting: BBC News - Earth life 'may have come from Mars'

The comments are interesting too. o.O

Very interesting. But certainly not my area of expertise, even though my master degree says "Biophysics" I don't know anything about the biophysical background of this article :)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Very interesting. But certainly not my area of expertise, even though my master degree says "Biophysics" I don't know anything about the biophysical background of this article :)

I like science and I think biology is fastinating, as long as I don't have to cut things open. :P What is your expertise in?
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I like science and I think biology is fastinating, as long as I don't have to cut things open. :P What is your expertise in?

I don't have any? I have only mastered in biophysics, because the laboratory I did my thesis in focuses on biophysics and we didn't know what else to put on the form ;-)

Basically I have established a variety of techniques in this laboratory, mostly by doing a lot of biochemistry and microscopy.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Mind you I don't feel old. Though my body from time to time reminds me that I'm getting up there. :P

Like my legs that don't take 4 times running a week anymore... but reducing to 3 times a week seems to work, I don't have any pain at the moment.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I don't have any? I have only mastered in biophysics, because the laboratory I did my thesis in focuses on biophysics and we didn't know what else to put on the form ;-)

Basically I have established a variety of techniques in this laboratory, mostly by doing a lot of biochemistry and microscopy.

Ah. So do you have an idea of what your PhD will be in?
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I like science and I think biology is fastinating, as long as I don't have to cut things open. :P What is your expertise in?

I've had to cut open stuff in biology lab.... It was not pretty.
I've cut open shark, fish, chicken head, cockroach, and egg with a live chick embryo inside.
And im vegetarian.
Those were the days I went hungry. I couldn't bring myself to eat on those days.

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