WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Consumers didn't get it, but Microsoft only has themselves to blame

I did. I really liked my Surface 2 for what it was. But something told me this day was coming... So I jumped ship early! lol I was planning on getting the next Gen Pro Surface model (Surface Pro 4??)
But ever since I got this iPad Air 2, my tablet needs have really disappeared! We'll see... The new SP4 or whatever they may call it might just have those "must have" features..
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

so the RT is going down :/ bummer and here I like my RT device. I guess I have to start looking for a new tablet for the future

I liked the design of the Surface 2. But I avoided RT because I figured some garbage like this was coming...hence why i picked up the T100 and never looked back.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I mean, now that there's Office on iPad, not to mention Remote Desktop... all my "Windows tablet" needs are covered. And the quality app selection? ...iOS! = nuff said!
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

A good friend from here/CrackBerry and a "marketplace legend" as I like to consider him ;). Just ask Sahib and Himanshu...they'll fill you in hahaha

Ohhhh Bunky's a person... I get it now lol
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I mean, now that there's Office on iPad, not to mention Remote Desktop... all my "Windows tablet" needs are covered. And the quality app selection? ...iOS! = nuff said!

If they had touch Office then (and were able to ditch the desktop) and if RT was marketed differently, it would've been perfect
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I always liked the RT because well I didn't have to deal with x86 programs I just had to install apps and that was it . also it was the only tablet that had a USB port to charge my phone or move stuff to my flash drive or stuff like that. if a company can build a 10in tablet that is fanless , lasts 3 days without charging , has a usb port a micro SD slot and has a premium feel ill leave my rt and buy that .
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

maybe now the price will drop for the surface 2 :3 I always wanted one

It is an awesome tablet...I'm trading mine to Bunky and I think he would just sell it or trade it, so of you want it, we can work something out :D

As someone who has owned both the RT and 2, the 2 performs a lot better. You wouldn't believe it. That, along with better battery life and a nicer screen.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It is an awesome tablet...I'm trading mine to Bunky and I think he would just sell it or trade it, so of you want it, we can work something out :D

As someone who has owned both the RT and 2, the 2 performs a lot better. You wouldn't believe it. That, along with better battery life and a nicer screen.

I did like the Surface 2 and was tempted. Even though I don't use a lot of apps on my T100, what had me choose that over the Surface 2 was I managed to get more value at a slightly cheaper price point. When I bought my T100, it was the first viable 10" full windows tablet. It was exactly what was pointed out earlier - they marketed RT poorly, and once full windows tabs got cheaper, they ate into RT sales.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I did like the Surface 2 and was tempted. Even though I don't use a lot of apps on my T100, what had me choose that over the Surface 2 was I managed to get more value at a slightly cheaper price point. When I bought my T100, it was the first viable 10" full windows tablet. It was exactly what was pointed out earlier - they marketed RT poorly, and once full windows tabs got cheaper, they ate into RT sales.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)

The T100 is still one of the best out there. It's a fantastic device from what I've heard.

There's nothing wrong with RT at all. Compared to Android and iOS, I think it's more capable. But when it's up against devices running full Windows in the same price range, it's set up to fail. Microsoft clearly had no clue what they were doing with RT looking back on it.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It is an awesome tablet...I'm trading mine to Bunky and I think he would just sell it or trade it, so of you want it, we can work something out :D

As someone who has owned both the RT and 2, the 2 performs a lot better. You wouldn't believe it. That, along with better battery life and a nicer screen.

I see that a lot on youtube and it is fast. thought I doubt I would find a surface 2 64 gb version for 250 :/
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The T100 is still one of the best out there. It's a fantastic device from what I've heard.

There's nothing wrong with RT at all. Compared to Android and iOS, I think it's more capable. But when it's up against devices running full Windows in the same price range, it's set up to fail. Microsoft clearly had no clue what they were doing with RT looking back on it.

sad sucks that its going like the zune :/ add this one to a "what if" products that msft made
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I see that a lot on youtube and it is fast. thought I doubt I would find a surface 2 64 gb version for 250 :/

The one I have isn't a 64GB, but I'm sure we could get it to you at a price you'd be comfortable with ;) lol. It's still got all the original plastic and in mint condition
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm finally back home after a month.
I attended my mom's uncle's son's wedding. Normally I hate to go to wedding ceremonies, but it was a good experience meeting different relatives. I'll catch up with you all later. Have some work now.
Whoa, 98k posts!
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The one I have isn't a 64GB, but I'm sure we could get it to you at a price you'd be comfortable with ;) lol. It's still got all the original plastic and in mint condition
I would of bought the 32gb one if I wasn't so storage worry :P...

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