WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yes a shaolin monk - meditating - hence the company name vacant mind - as that's what you attempt to achieve through meditation.

Ah good name. It reminded me of the name that my friends bother uses for his shirts company " absent minded " anyways good name 👍
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Totally unrelated, I can't wait for my 1020 to get here! Should be here on Thursday. It seems like such an exciting device :D

Sent from Tapatalk on my Surface Pro 3
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Totally unrelated, I can't wait for my 1020 to get here! Should be here on Thursday. It seems like such an exciting device :D

Sent from Tapatalk on my Surface Pro 3

Good stuff! Take pictures of the snow
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

well its time for me to head home.

"Boing" said Zebedee.

Im going to bit a bit like the anons as I sign off - I may be around at some point - "expect us"
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Your first post on a phone in the last three days or so...closet fruit stand stooge..

Yeah he doesn't post very often from his 830...it's probably not even an 830. Probably just an iPhone that he changed to signature to a Lumia :p

Sent from Tapatalk on my Surface Pro 3
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

No, the zoom is sooooo good I should be able to take pictures of Florida, right?

Sent from Tapatalk on my Surface Pro 3

No you can actually take a photo of the ISS as it zooms over your neck of the woods...
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yeah he doesn't post very often from his 830...it's probably not even an 830. Probably just an iPhone that he changed to signature to a Lumia :p

Sent from Tapatalk on my Surface Pro 3

😐 oh snap you caught me /s lol nah im using my 830 😁

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