We are working on this issue already." STALKER 2 has a huge, game-breaking problem on Xbox, and GSC Game World confirms that it's working on a fix

No gamepad issues.
But the default settings are way too dark.

Not clear what kind of displays they tested against but the initial dungeon tunnel is almost impossible with the flashlight being just a dim spot right in front of you.

I had to move brightness to 70.
A friend of mine set brightness and gamma to 60.

The game is fun, so far. Somewhat Fallout-ish but with more challenging combat.
Might need some AI tuning but it is playable so far.
So I am a little confused. Does the deadline issue only impact Xbox.or.thoae playing with a controller on PC as well? This might explain why hitting some targets feels so hard as I am playing on PC with a controller. User accuracy was what I had been thinking. And I second that the mutants need to not take an entire clip to kill, but as you say still a great one of a kind experience. Loving it so far

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