We need something to look forward to - NOW!


New member
Jul 26, 2013
After the cancellation news of McLaren, I have become restless!
I, like many of you, am one of those tech... erhm... enthusiasts that want the newest and best gadgets as soon as they arrive to the market.
In Denmark we have 6 month contracts on the carriers, meaning I have been able to get the newest most awesome phone twice a year for as long as there have been smartphones to get.
I am so happy with my Lumia 1020 that it has become the phone I have had for the longest time of any phone, ever. It's almost a year old... But I'm itching for a new one, and a 930 simply won't do!

I have been sucking up news about McLaren like a sponge, and had just come to terms with waiting till november to replace my trusty companion.
It seems like forever till november, but knowing something awesome was coming made the wait bearable.
Now I have nothing to look forward to, and it eats me up and it's making me loose faith Microsofts ability to deliver what I need.

These days I probably visit WP Central 50 times every day with a single purpose in mind: The post from Daniel Rubino disclosing a rumor of the next flagship from MS. This means that I get dissappointed 50 times a day, when the post isn't there... And that dissapointment is directed at Microsoft. Making me dislike them more and more every day...
For the life of me, I can't understand why MS would not let their loyal customers know that something is coming, and a give us a rough timeframe. "Spring 2015" is almost a year from now, and waay too long to wait!

The dissapointment with Microsoft could be handled by leaking a simple rumor, thats all.

In my time with Windows Phone I have probably gotten about 20 friends and acquaintances to buy a Windows Phone. This is because I was incredibly happy with my phone, and wanted the best for the ecosystem and Microsoft. Many of us here are probably like that, and have part in MS' ecosystem growing. When there is constantly something to look forward to, it is easy to get others to join in. "Sure there is a few apps missing, but they are coming, and there is X and Y coming out soon! It's gonna be great!"
We can't say that now, and why should we, when MS is failing to give us something to look forward to.

To be honest, I didn't care about the whole 3D touch thing, all I cared about was an awesome flagship phone in the works for a release this year.
Just because the 3D thing didn't work out, why can't they just launch it without that part of the hardware, and maybe even replaced by something else like SD card slot or a bigger battery?

To keep the loyal of us interested and well... loyal. We need something to look forward to... At least that's how I feel...

Give us something, anything MS!
After the cancellation news of McLaren, I have become restless!
I, like many of you, am one of those tech... erhm... enthusiasts that want the newest and best gadgets as soon as they arrive to the market.
In Denmark we have 6 month contracts on the carriers, meaning I have been able to get the newest most awesome phone twice a year for as long as there have been smartphones to get.
I am so happy with my Lumia 1020 that it has become the phone I have had for the longest time of any phone, ever. It's almost a year old... But I'm itching for a new one, and a 930 simply won't do!

I have been sucking up news about McLaren like a sponge, and had just come to terms with waiting till november to replace my trusty companion.
It seems like forever till november, but knowing something awesome was coming made the wait bearable.
Now I have nothing to look forward to, and it eats me up and it's making me loose faith Microsofts ability to deliver what I need.

These days I probably visit WP Central 50 times every day with a single purpose in mind: The post from Daniel Rubino disclosing a rumor of the next flagship from MS. This means that I get dissappointed 50 times a day, when the post isn't there... And that dissapointment is directed at Microsoft. Making me dislike them more and more every day...
For the life of me, I can't understand why MS would not let their loyal customers know that something is coming, and a give us a rough timeframe. "Spring 2015" is almost a year from now, and waay too long to wait!

The dissapointment with Microsoft could be handled by leaking a simple rumor, thats all.

In my time with Windows Phone I have probably gotten about 20 friends and acquaintances to buy a Windows Phone. This is because I was incredibly happy with my phone, and wanted the best for the ecosystem and Microsoft. Many of us here are probably like that, and have part in MS' ecosystem growing. When there is constantly something to look forward to, it is easy to get others to join in. "Sure there is a few apps missing, but they are coming, and there is X and Y coming out soon! It's gonna be great!"
We can't say that now, and why should we, when MS is failing to give us something to look forward to.

To be honest, I didn't care about the whole 3D touch thing, all I cared about was an awesome flagship phone in the works for a release this year.
Just because the 3D thing didn't work out, why can't they just launch it without that part of the hardware, and maybe even replaced by something else like SD card slot or a bigger battery?

To keep the loyal of us interested and well... loyal. We need something to look forward to... At least that's how I feel...

Give us something, anything MS!

Well 830 will be coming soon as well as 1525.
Doesnt anyone just enjoy the phone they have anymore? Cant believe people are still crying over a vapourware phone....
There's a good chance that Microsoft will release a new high end device even though they are coming out with the low end right now. They might be tight-lip about it until they're ready. My suggestion to you is just be patient there is still 5 months to go in 2014.
Doesnt anyone just enjoy the phone they have anymore? Cant believe people are still crying over a vapourware phone....

As I said, I do enjoy my phone. And I can live with it for a while, if I have something new and better to look forward to.
I'm not crying about McLaren in particular, I'm "crying" about nothing new seems to be coming.
It way overdue for me to get a new phone, but there are simply no alternatives within the ecosystem a year after I got this one, and that is not acceptable!

I wan't a flagship phone, I don't want a medium range 830, or a huge 1525 that doesn't fit in my pocket... That's what's missing now.

A good chance... Sure, but without a single substantial rumor to back it up, it's really just a hope...
I've only been on these forums for a few days, but I can't help but notice the multiple "Windows Phone is dead", "Microsoft better announce a new flagship phone or it's the end of the world" threads that keep popping up. I think we've let the paranoia get a little out of hand.
We all want something shiny and new, it's the way things are these days, but McLaren always sounded like a bit of a gimmick. Like the Samsung phone you can control with your eyes. Come on, it's a phone, you hold it in your hands, it doesn't need Kinect like features. It sounded like it'd have made the phone way too expensive and complicated; I'd far rather they just give the 1020 a refresh. An Apple like "S" version, or a 925 to the 920. A 1025 with a thinner chassis, slightly improved optics, more Ram, faster processor, maybe move up to 5", I think that's all they need.

I would however love to see what magic they can do with Pelican's technology:-

Nokia to invest in next-gen Pelican Imaging tech, allowing “fly eye” cameras for your Lumia | Windows Phone Central

A 1030 with that could be the next mobile photography revolution.
I exactly said that I didn't care about the whole 3D gimmick, I just want a new phone, that is top of the line. And a recoloring of a 6 month old device (the 930) is not that.
A successor to the 1020 is just what I want. I'm not saying I want it now. I'm saying that right now we have nothing to look forward to.
With the cancellation of McLaren, it looks like the next flagship phone for WP will be out sometime in 2015, and that is too long if MS wants to keep people loyal.
I just want something in the not-too-distant future, that can properly replace my year-old device.
Doesnt anyone just enjoy the phone they have anymore? Cant believe people are still crying over a vapourware phone....

I don't think its entirely unreasonable. I bought my Titan II very shortly before they announced WP 8, so I had to wait 2 years to get an upgrade. During that time, a lot has happened. Currently my best options on AT&T are the Lumia 925 (getting pretty outdated), 1020 (not comfortable to hold and outdated aside from camera), and the 1520 (great, but too big). Sure, I could upgrade to any of those phones, but I don't want to end up in the same position that I am in now with my Titan II. I don't want to upgrade to last generations hardware and be left behind for another 2 years.

For me there is currently nothing to look forward to. If my phone breaks, what do I do? Buy a new one? Use my free upgrade for something that is already old? Switch to a different OS? My options aren't great right now, and I need something to get hyped up about.
I don't think its entirely unreasonable. I bought my Titan II very shortly before they announced WP 8, so I had to wait 2 years to get an upgrade. During that time, a lot has happened. Currently my best options on AT&T are the Lumia 925 (getting pretty outdated), 1020 (not comfortable to hold and outdated aside from camera), and the 1520 (great, but too big). Sure, I could upgrade to any of those phones, but I don't want to end up in the same position that I am in now with my Titan II. I don't want to upgrade to last generations hardware and be left behind for another 2 years.

For me there is currently nothing to look forward to. If my phone breaks, what do I do? Buy a new one? Use my free upgrade for something that is already old? Switch to a different OS? My options aren't great right now, and I need something to get hyped up about.

Why don't you buy a Lumia 920 on eBay (they're dirt cheap nowadays) and test out Windows Phone 8 before you upgrade. That way you won't have to sign another two year contract, just use the 920 until the next flagship phone from Microsoft comes out. For anyone who thinks the 920 is outdated, they're very much wrong. Specs wise may be old but that phone is still stout. I'm rocking a Lumia 925 and love that phone to death; I'll keep this phone for another two years.
Microsoft explicitly said that they've got new flagships to announce "very soon", so I honestly don't see what the problem is.
When did they say that? I feel like that was before McLaren was discontinued, but don't remember.
To the OP - son, get a life. Make a difference in someone's life and you'll enjoy rewards beyond your wildest, wettest dreams.

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