Hello, I want to present you the update of this weather app to version 3.
The new version comes for Windows 8.1 and Windos phone 8.1 with new functions like :
- notifications (toasts),
- customizable transparents tiles : you can choose between differents models of live tiles you want,
- customizable application interface, you can choose differents themes (dark, light, blue with images of weather)..
- saint of the day
- app is localized in english, french, and italian
Auto-update of the tiles works well with geolocalisation, or added cities (you can add more than one cities)
Images below of the app with differents themes :
Images of tiles (transparents tiles and different models) :
Link to the stores :
URL for Windows 10 : https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh098w3
URL for Windows 8.1 and earlier : http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/870a590f-bb07-40ab-855a-59e19a99288f
URL for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier : http://windowsphone.com/s?appid=f9c1618b-9dee-47c3-ab71-864b53e94940
QR Code :
View attachment static_qr_code_without_logo.png