Well I just cracked the glass on the camera.... :(

That looks like a great case. May I ask where you got it and its approximate cost?

I Second that. I ordered my Mozo case but might cancel it as it doesn't look like it protect the camera at all. Your case on the other hand looks great for protection and design. Please provide a link, I'd like to get back my ?35.
I'm super careful with my phone. I won't even put it in a pocket where it can fall out on any movement. I don't put it on tables anywhere near an edge or any liquid. I will not use one handed since more room for error. And I got the Microsoft complete because phones are with you all the time and in odd scenarios, so if I pay so much for something that can fumble I'll definitely get some peace of mind insurance.

Problem is getting the parts since it's so new. Try talking it to ms and see what they say. Say you will buy the Microsoft complete.
First, I am so sorry, but it can happen to anyone! The famous motto, "Shi* Happens!" is so true.This is one reason why the looks of a phone are highly overrated. Phones I see are either in a protective case or they are dinged up with cracked screens and such, particularly big phones that stick out of pockets or have to be carried all the time. I prefer small phones that can be completely buried in numerous pockets and won't fall out no matter what, but they are unfortunately a dying breed despite the fact that a large percentage of people prefer smaller phones. On the other hand, I think most phones are way too fragile in construction--they are accidents waiting to happen.
That's not true. The reason they are disappearing is because the larger screen phones were out selling the smaller by a lot. Most users want at least 5". Problem is apples 5.5" is way too big. If they got rid of bezel it would be better. My xl is smaller than the iPhone 6 plus but had larger screen. In the android world the big screens with less bezel rule. I love my large screen and I do my best to protect my investment including getting ms complete.

I would suggest a wallet case for when going out. And take it out at home. I find wallet cases protect the whole phone.
OT, but the most popular screen size around the world is 4.7 inch. Apple is coming out with a new 4 incher in the spring. One-fifth of shoppers said they would prefer a 4-inch phone. Most phone companies would kill to sell to 20% of the market.

If all you do is chat sure , but it you do gaming, reading, productivity or anything meaningful, the large screen is awesome. I use my pc way less now .

But the iPhone 6 sold more than any past iPhone as most wanted the larger screen. So we shall see how the 4" does.
That looks like a great case. May I ask where you got it and its approximate cost?

I Second that. I ordered my Mozo case but might cancel it as it doesn't look like it protect the camera at all. Your case on the other hand looks great for protection and design. Please provide a link, I'd like to get back my ?35.

It's an Incipio Jack Spade I got it from MS store with the 950 950XL essentials bundle $69...
(dual charger, tempered glass protector, case)

Hands-on: Lumia 950 & 950 XL Essentials Bundle | Windows Central

Buy Lumia 950 and 950 XL Essentials Bundle Review - Microsoft Store
But the iPhone 6 sold more than any past iPhone as most wanted the larger screen. So we shall see how the 4" does.

Would that be more that they're the "newest" iphones? It's my observation that they always announce every launch is the highest selling device
Would that be more that they're the "newest" iphones? It's my observation that they always announce every launch is the highest selling device

Yes but the iphone 6 sold more than any other ever did. Most were holding out for the larger screen. I know people who wanted the larger screen. Anyways, it's a preference. And while it's only 4.7" that still adds a lot more screen realestate. Look at the iphone 6+ at 5.5" compared to the 950XL 5.7". It's .2" diagonal, enough to make a difference. I held them next to each other and the 950XL is just all screen and so much smaller. Everyone I know prefers larger screens too. One handed use is over-rated. The larger one at least forces you to hold with 2 hands where you're less likely to drop it. I've seen some nice one handed phone drops in my time. It always ends up with someone using it with one hand and it flying out of their hand somehow. I need to start making videos and posting them on youtube haha.
my front screen cracked inside my front pant pocket. I wear loose fitted jeans not the tight ones. Anyway I sent my international 950xl to palcotech on Friday. they are recommended by Microsoft. The screen wont be in til the 23 of dec. Ill will be with out my 4 day old phone for quite some time. This phone is very fragile, my icon dropped and nothing shattered.
Based off that tear down, it shouldn't be too tough to replace if/when spare parts become available. I'm kinda wondering though whether the normal sellers will have them, this being Microsoft's final phone stepping into their own "strategery". This phone is ridiculously repairable, so hopefully there is a path.

IF for some reason, it gets real bad and you'd like to get a fix...I would simply trade your back for another person's who HAS the complete care, pay the 50$ deductible...etc. In the future..buy yourself a case :)
I had a case shipping to me when i ordered my phone, tne case is back ordered for another week or two. Next time ill take the phone out of my pocket when sitting down or driving.
I feel your pain. I brought the L950XL just the other day. With a price tag of $1175 here in the land of Oz I am certainly babying it...
I have my fingers crossed for you that the crack in the camera doesn't web out. Was there another damage at all?
I was a bit sceptic about the 950s that I didn't place an order. How is it going anyway? Did you go to the MS store before getting it?
I looked at the tag of 1175 and considered what my brother who works in this industry (with nokia back in the days). His advice that the phones hardware is already old when it gets out. There are more in the pipeline with better sepcs and will be current when it gets out. .
The OP is filthy rich so this isn't for him. He will toss this phone in a drawer and put a sim in another one tomorrow and keep it moving. But that isn't the rest of us. Maybe too late to help the OP, but maybe this link will remind people that tempered glass is still glass and glass breaks. Protect your investment and get a case..


I'm sorry do I know you? I think it's pretty bold to make assumptions about people when you don't know them at all. Now I'm not taking offense by what you said, but I think you're judging a little too quickly. I don't make much money.

I would've gotten Microsoft's plan had I had the money at the time. I didn't. Heck I did split payments just to buy it.

I love my 950XL I don't have any issues outside of it not wanting to update cause it thinks my storage is full when it's not. Not a big deal to me right now. I like the look and feel of my device naked and I've come to appreciate it for what it is. I was always the case person. Just recently I decided otherwise only cause I starting to carry the minimum stuff I need and I don't want anymore bulk. I use to use wallet cases for that reason. Then I realize wallet cases aren't friendly with cameras and why block my camera or have a flap open when I want to use my beautiful camera?

My advice is to agree with you. This camera protrudes a bit out of the back of the camera and it's glass. It is vulnerable and regardless if you think you're responsible this phone doesn't care. One small drop can do it especially with that large glass bump on it. It's not like the 1020 or 920 in which it's small and not likely to happen. I would tell everyone THEY NEED TO GET A CASE!! Not a mozo cover since that isn't going to do much for protection.
I'd never get a protective case.
What's the point of buying a good looking phone if you're going to cover it in a fat case? The only thing you would be looking at is the screen... and that purpose can be filled with pretty much any other phone.
Take care of your phone and you won't need a case.

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