Well that didn't last long


New member
Oct 25, 2014
On the fourteenth of October I acquired my very first smart phone, a rather snazzy black Lumia 1520 (RM-937) from an online ebay supplier (never-msrp). Don't get me wrong, it did not appear to be tampered with in any way - but when I saw the screen introduce itself in Chinese (albeit a temporary issue) I should have attempted to return it right away, but hey, the phone was manufactured in Hong Kong, who am I to discriminate? Instead I fought with it, I fought with it to load up Windows 8.1, I fought with it to load up Cortana, I fought with it synchronize music from the Windows Phone for Desktop application. I even fought with it to so much as recognize music I placed in the Music directory which it decided to intermittently ignore. Couple it with several other slightly minor problems.

But despite my fighting with it, I was able to overcome these issues - it would seem in fact that the little device had one more diabolical plan in store for me. Now as a bit of context I do make a living as a developer/support tech and about three days ago I installed the developer preview to take a look at upcoming features and perhaps attempt to write an application. And subsequently my phone downloaded an update about a day ago (technically yesterday morning) and all seemed relatively well and okay until I got home and plugged it in. Well, it was having none of that.

Upon plugging in the USB cable and USB outlet (both stock) the screen immediately froze, I figured it was a rather minor issue and attempted a soft reset using the volume down and power button in combination. Little did I know at the time that when the screen went black it would be the last time it went black. Not a blip, not a bleep, not an unrecognized USB device on Windows. It's dead, Jim. The power button does nothing, plugging it in does nothing, holding every combination of button as I insert the USB cable into the outlet and computer does nothing, this phone literally died from being plugged in, talk about lame.

If I do get a refund for it being defective, I'm getting as far away from the Windows Phone as possible. No more error 8004100b, no more Windows Phone for Desktop has failed to sync music, no more losing my SMS threads by restarting.

No more bricking my phone by plugging it in to a (stock) USB cable.

But in the end, the joke is on me. Being that this device isn't sold in Canada (to which I live and imported it into from the United States for an $80 HST import fee) I won't be able to find any place that can repair it - not even the Canadian website for Nokia lists it.
I'm sorry to hear you had problems. However, I'd place the blame on a dishonest eBay seller, not on Windows Phone itself. It sounds like you got ripped off by a shady seller who sold you damaged goods. The key thing to remember with anything on eBay is "Caveat emptor", "Let the buyer beware".
I agree with Laura on the aspect of where to place blame. Also, the 1520 is a crazy phone to get as your first smartphone. I would have started out with something a bit smaller and easier to use like a 635 or 1020 or even an Android of some sort.
Hey Laura, you are right in that I took a risk.

But aside from death-by-usb, I am very far from being the only one with the other issues.

I guess if there were to be only one lesson to be learned, I would say that it would be not to buy phones that aren't supported by your region. Citizens of the US have AT&T as a carrier and supporter for the Lumia 1520, I went in alone when I acquired it in Canada.

And Matt you are right that it was a bit over the top to get for that reason, I was primarily enticed by the system specs offered and didn't have much of an idea on just how big 6 inches was for a phone (even excluding the excuse that we use metric).
Can I point out I have a hong Kong phone in uk, I switched roms to uk too, I love the phone, I do disagree with too much for first phone as the o/s is same for all. I would say you had a bad phone from go, either repair it/exchange/ refund try again it will be alot better I'm sure!
Laura is spot on, you cannot take it out on WP for your bad experience from buying on Ebay, just like someone who drops their phone and cracks the screen and then slags off WP.

The 1520 is a superb phone, well built and still knocks the spots off of most phones on the market, and as far as I am concerned WP is way above the other OS's out there in looks, integration, security and ease of use and it will get better.

Shame you have had problems but it really isn't the phone, the OS or MS's fault and I hope you get some satisfaction from the seller.

Laura is spot on, you cannot take it out on WP for your bad experience from buying on Ebay, just like someone who drops their phone and cracks the screen and then slags off WP.

The 1520 is a superb phone, well built and still knocks the spots off of most phones on the market, and as far as I am concerned WP is way above the other OS's out there in looks, integration, security and ease of use and it will get better.

Shame you have had problems but it really isn't the phone, the OS or MS's fault and I hope you get some satisfaction from the seller.


Agreed! Seems like the op was sold a lemon. Maybe ebay could help? Our PayPal?

And with that's to the comment about security - only when wp allows device encryption will that hold true. Consumers cannot currently encrypt their devices. Shoddy.
Sounds like he got a knock off and not even a genuine Nokia. I'm in the process of trying to settle a claim on eBay for a guy in Vermont that advertised the 1520 as a .3 with 32 GB and Qi charging. No part number was mentioned in his sales ad so I won the bid. Guess what, a beat up 1520, 16 GB, and no Qi charging. He offered a partial refund but I refused.

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