Laura, Yes, as one who uses Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, I can tell you it definitely does benefit you to have both of these. My hubby was forever bugging me about getting things from his phone to the computer. I was constantly showing him how to do this so you just KNOW I had to get both of these for this to work. Now? When he takes pictures, they go to his SkyDrive which he can access from the computer very easily. Any documents he might use on his phone are also there. When he buys music in Xbox on the phone, it immediately downloads onto the computer when you open up Xbox music there. If you put notes and such in OneNote on the phone, it will sync automatically with your OneNote on the desktop. It is the one solution that works to the point where my hubby has very little issues and THAT'S saying something. We won't however mention printing :winktongue: