What do you do with your Lumia 2520... any regrets?

Thanks for sharing. I got a surface 2 and love it. I work where laptops are not allowed, but tablets with keyboards are ok. Go figure? Anyhoo we use MS office at work and I love the surface 2 for taking to training classes. I just came across the nokia tablet and love its small form factor. I really love windows 8 and office 13, so I was considering getting a nokia with keyboard case to have just as a back up. Hell, I may make that my work pc and setup the surface 2 as a home pc and an external monitor.

Anyone place the nokia and surface 2 screens side by side?

Can you explain how you got Mouse Without Borders to work between your desktop and 2520? I am trying to set it up using my desktop Win 7 machine as the local machine.


My Gramma couldnt break this OS if she wanted to. I could lend it to her for a month and I wouldnt have one toolbar, spyware, fake Antivirus 2014, iTunes or realplayer crap installed when I got it back.

My Nokia 2520 is immune to viruses! (so far).

I like modern interface. I don't want a 3rd party browser
and I don't want the desktop! I have that at home, on the i7 PC with Windows 8.1.
Netflix, Games and Skype are sweet on this tablet! Office 2013 is quite usable. Insteon app controls my whole house, ELM327 interfaces with my cars.
I bring my tablet to work and the IT dept loves it because they can integrate it with Exchange and other Microsoft Servers. They are even building a custom modern interface CRM app for our sales team.

With "mouse without borders" I can share my mouse and ergonomic keyboard across the desktop and the tablet.
I have 10 hour battery life, and it gets to 80% charge in less than an hour. With NFC, USB, LTE, Bluetooth, WIFI, GPS, HDMI and SD I'm all set!
Also the SanDisk Ultra 128 GB microSDXC UHS-I Card works great in the 2520.

RT rules! Long live RT with universal apps!
any regrets?

1st tablet wouldnt charge
2nd tablet's physical buttons stopped functioning

+ clear IPS full 1080p display
+ superb touch response
+ LTE if i need it (which i'll likely wont)
+ keyboard functions superb with it
+ universal apps with windows phone (though xbox achievements are not universal and have their own set for difference devices)
+ comes with Office installed without having to pay extra for it

- the actual space you receive off the tablet is EXTREMELY low after all the updates.
- can't move apps to SD card like you can with windows phone 8.1
- far too many problems with the tablet itself as far as owner issues go.
- Nokia's choice not to release the tablet in the other two colors (Cyan and White), sucks
- can only get the red one on Verizon
Hi - I would love to buy this from you as I just broke the screen on mine :-( Please let me know if it is available and ATT mode.

The LTE connectivity is great.. once you get used to it its hard to go back. The screen is amazing as well.. whatever polarizers Nokia used it works great.

My only issue is it that it doesn't wake up from sleep way too often and I have to force shutdown. I am probably going to send it back for a replacement or repair..
must be buggy. the one we have does not have these issues with the waking from sleep. Since I first started this my wife and I both love her tablet. Only pronounced downside at this point is chrome/firefox (if you consider that a downside) and a program called smart board (teachers use it in class). Also, the touch pad just really sucks donkey balls. I thought we both would get used to it but it is still very annoying. Good thing is it only runs apps which are usually more touch friendly so the touch pad isn't that big of a deal but when trying to resize say, photos in MS word it is very trying to aim the cursor to the edge to pull the picture in or out. There is no tactile feed back to tell if your finger is on the track pad or not and we both often find our fingers all over the palm rest wondering why the mouse doesn't work. Having to physically tilt your neck and look down to find the track pad sucks. It is only identified by a very slight square groove surrounding it. You almost can't feel it at all unless you meditate and the stars align correctly. I ended up buying the arc mouse from Microsoft and use it at every chance. without it you have to be very conscience of where your fingers are. not too much fun to use in the dark if you are big on the mouse pad. I have learned to work with it though in spite of it being annoying.
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Do I regret buying Lumia 2520? - Nope
If I were going to buy a new tablet now, would I still end up buying 2520? - Probably not

I do like 2520, but mine has the "sleep bug" which is a big turn off. :( I've even sent it to Nokia's service once, but after a couple of weeks the tablet came back and they claimed there's nothing wrong with it. Apparently my tablet NOT waking up from the sleep state is not a technical problem but a feature. Or so it feels...
I must be one of the lucky ones (and finding some wood to knock on) - I really love my 2520 and have no issues whatsoever with it. I got mine from AT&T when they had them for $99 and is the best purchase I've made. Would I buy one if I were to buy a new tablet - that's a tricky question. Windows RT is both a bad and good thing. There are some software I wished I could install (I'm looking at you Cisco!) but I'm hoping that when Windows 10 comes out for mobile devices, the 2520 can be updated and more software vendors come on board. If not, I'm quite pleased with Windows 8.1 after the learning curve.
Mine has been pretty seamless really. There are apps to cover watching anything you want and I like the lte for the odd occasion I have needed it. Fact is that the install of office is why it really works for me. I have an iPad for work but it lacks a really good integration with one drive and I wanted to be able to access anything anywhere. The2520 dies that as it stands. If you want productivity then it is a hit. If you want to surf the net then it is a git. If you want to play a gam available on the iPad the it us a miss. Basically I look on it as a tool for grown ups. It works. Felt expensive at the time but it has more ir less halved in price now. I know where id throw my cash at the current time and It isn't apple.
I have no regrets buying my Lumia 2520. I bought my tablet with the power keyboard for a total of $250 so it's easy for me to be happy of my purchase. Honestly, if I bought the tablet for the original price of around $500 and the keyboard cover for $150, I'd be extremely disappointed.

I mean, feel-wise, this tablet and keyboard don't feel how a $650 product should feel. The materials feel good to hold but they feel how my $150 Nexus 7 felt when I first bought it. Furthermore, the keyboard cover feels extremely flimsy, especially how the touch pad just... just flops about when I tilt the tablet backwards on it's stand. I do that, you see, because the fixed angle of the stand is waaaay too vertical for me to use comfortably unless I'm laying down.

Nokia should have come up with a more elegant, built in stand for the tablet itself so that the powered keyboard cover can simply focus on being a more useful powered keyboard cover. Thankfully, the keys themselves feel wonderful and it feels like I'm typing on a slightly downsized version of my Gateway LV's keyboard.

My only issues with the tablet itself besides the lack of a built-in kick stand is that Windows RT won't let me upload a photo for the background (the round-about way of uploading a background in desktop mode works, but I don't always want the same image in desktop and metro mode), I dislike how you can't change the default font size across the entire tablet, and I also dislike how the screen is a fingerprint breeding ground. The keyboard cover circumvents this, of course, but the plastic it uses absorbs finger oils that WILL NOT wipe away if you have better things to do in your life than constantly wipe finger oils from your keyboard.

Again, for the original asking price, I feel that this tablet and keyboad combo makes no sense materials wise and useability wise, but for the price I got for it's awesome as hell. I REALLY hope Windows 10 works on it because I am getting sick of Windows RT's issues (there's more issues that I didn't cover in the post).
I bought my 2520 during November. The device keeps freezing and now it is on a service for the second time. On the first time they did nothing but the usual software reseting. Very disappointed.

Now if the Windows 10 comes a joke and not available as such for Windows RT device buyers, I'm going to get mad. I mean, people have paid more than 600 € of this device. And Microsoft is letting the $150 tablet buyers (with full win 8.1) get the upgrade for free?

The least Microsoft could do, is to let upgrade to a better device with a small fee, if Windows 10 is not coming to Windows RT devices.
Honestly, as long as it still has access to Windows Store for Apps and Games and has a fully functional browser with Flash, I'm fine. I'll be bummed to not have a better version of Win10 or Win10 RT, but it is what it is.

They better not drop core App support though...
While I have no way of confirming this, I think the 2520 (and other RT devices) will be updated, but I don't think it'll be the full Windows 10 - maybe something like a Windows 10 Lite. Paul Thurrott asked at a Q&A session after the Windows 10 show on the 21st and the reply was “We are working on an update for Surface [RT and/or Surface 2], which will have some of the functionality of Windows 10. More information to come.” Now whether that is for all Windows RT devices or just the Surface RT / Surface 2 RT remains to be seen. If the 2520 is not upgraded to a subset of Windows 10, I would be more than a little disappointed, and would then hope that Microsoft or some other 3rd party find a way to open up the 2520 and other RT devices and perhaps be able to install a different OS that does support ARM.
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Regrets? Interesting question. Still no skytv or F1 app or Silverlight extension to enable them in the browser. And limited drive space - until apps can be loaded to/from the memory card which should arrive in the W10 update (which was strangely not mentioned in the presentation 21st January 2015 but was confirmed in the q&a afterwards). Otherwise no issues at all. Great screen, super slick / bombproof OS with amazing cloud support and connectivity to my phone, zippy processes, fantastic battery, it's a shame it doesn't use a mini USB like everything else in the house but it charges so fast and lasts so long I forget about the battery altogether. Growing app store has made me feel loved as it's got so much better. Have never had the additional battery\keyboard but would really like a swipe keyboard like the Lumina phones have. That'd be awesome.

No, I don't have regrets, it was so cheep and I really love the hardware and software. As I said it's bombproof, I always feel special when I swipe in from the left or right, still makes me feel like I am in Minority Report and I love that.
Update: My Nokia Power keyboard has several of its keys not working at all. At this point, I really wish I had bought a Surface 2 instead, what with its kickstand and keyboard not made of Tonka plastic, its full USB port, and the fact that it feels premium. The good news is that Windows 10 will come to RT per MS's event the other day, so that's neat. I will contact Nokia to see how much they'll charge for repairs on the power keyboard because I am out of warranty. Once I find out, I'll update this post for those who may be curious.
I am planning to buy lumia 2520. I would like to know whether it has a PDF editor software which I can use to make notes or draw on a pdf and save it and upload it to one drive ?
can u pls tell me about it
I just gave my wife the 2520 as she has no concept of OS improvements and versions and the whole thing with the Windows vs iOS vs Android techno-wars fans seems to be waging with one another. She needed something clean, simple, touch to do her Excel/ Word, and Netflix on the go, that it. It truly is perfect for it, because those activities are pretty agnostic to the OS. She could care less about the app gap because she barely uses anything else. I just a bought a blue-tooth keyboard and that should complete her needs. The screen is still gorgeous, has great battery life quick charge, and LTE mobile is a plus!

Now me personally, I have to move on, I simply can't stand not having apps I really want and the apparent disregard for windows when advertising new apps, it's always "available on iOS or Android" even my employers company apps aren't created for Windows so it forces me to utilize my Android phone. As far as tablets I had to go to Android to get both my company apps and personal apps. Windows RT had its time but I had to move on. I am still looking forward to my personal Nokia 1520 getting windows 10 mobile. I think if people are honest with themselves, you just cant limit yourself to one OS anymore, you need to be multi-OS to enjoy the whole range of apps and services by them.
bought my wife an acer switch 10 and updated it to windows 10. that said, the screen, battery life, and touch experience with 8.1 is better than the switch with windows 10. windows 8.1 is much more refined for touch.

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