What features missing/added would make you leave Windows?

Mar 6, 2014
When Microsoft releases a new version of it's OS it usually comes at the expense of some beloved functions. For example, going from wp8 to wp8.1 we lost the people hub and messaging functionalities. With win10 prev we lost the onedrive "online only"(placeholders).
Soon after the windows 10 event I have seen a lot of comments about how bad the new design looks and how Microsoft messed up metro.
I am one of those that are not happy with the new hamburger menus present in win10 for phones and especially with their position on the top.
My lumia 1520 it is already hard to use one handed and I bet win10 will be even worse if they don't move that menu to the bottom. Either way, as a die hard fan and for the sake of added functionality I can make some compromises.
The one thing that would make me jump ship would be if the rumors of android apps coming to windows phone will turn out to be true.

How about you, is there any feature added or missing that might make you say good bye to Cortana and to say hello to Siri or Google?
I can't think of anything but then I'm largely happy with Microsoft gives me.

There's other people who have very definite ideas on what features are neccessary and it's up to them to change to another platform if they want to chase their dreams.
Same old buttons on the bottom everyone wants lol. That would make me leave. I want new UI on my WP without useless space on my screen.

For the features part, I'd like to see OTG support, working live lock screen, no resuming AT ALL, 3rd party keyboards..

And I DON'T MIND ANDROID SUPPORT, Double fun for me.

Wake up people, it's just phones.

Cortana, Google Now, Siri.. Couldn't care less. However Google Now has larger area covered.
I can't think of anything but then I'm largely happy with Microsoft gives me.

There's other people who have very definite ideas on what features are neccessary and it's up to them to change to another platform if they want to chase their dreams.

I didn't say I am unhappy, I have been a windows mobile/phone fan from the early days of PDA's, and I,m still here :). I just wish they keep to what they envisioned with the metro design and do not give under the pressure of adding android app compatibility.
Fix the music app and the settings menu. Improve the multitasking. And please, please start showing all the active downloads in the action center. Some UI change would be nice, of course.

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