What features would an Android user miss after switching to W10M?


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Sep 15, 2014
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1.Search inside messaging app - missing
2.We can't see the status of app installs neither in Action Centre nor in App list ( Wp8.1 has it )
3.Pattern lock screen- missing
4.Lock Screen features/options like in Android ( Live Lock Screen Beta!! )- Missing
5.Living wallpaper support - missing
6.Live tiles still cannot act as a widget ( Interactive Live tiles!! ) - missing
7.Ability to run two apps at a time at least on 5"+ screens ( snapping) - missing
8.Ability to set default applications - missing
9.Lock options for core apps/Pin code to open aps ( or at least allow 3rd party apps to do the same..especially for gallery,peoples,messaging etc)
10.In-built Wi-Fi file sharing option ( at least WP to WP )-missing
etc. And the list goes on
PS: I'm not a fan on any of the above listed Android features.. But those Android users MS is looking at.. They do care about these..

As a WP user.. All I need is aero effect for action centre,volume controls, and video controls.. :) and I'm good to go with W10M ..

I would also like to see 'swipe right to open hamburger menu and swipe up&down inside the bottom free space in hamburger menu to select sub-menus....
Long Pressing and waiting for the screen to come down takes some effort and time ( my personal thoughts though ) , feel free to add any missing features you can think of.. And I'll post it in feedback app and will share the link to up vote it :)

Zachary Boddy

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Aug 3, 2014
Good list. We just have to give Microsoft time. I know that's been the excuse for the ages but...what else can we do? This should be the last reboot of Windows Phone ever...for better or for worse.


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Nov 29, 2012
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Just back on WP 10 now after being on WP8.1 for a month. I'm really hating WP10. I try to like it but one you dig below the surface 8.1 is just so much better. :(


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Sep 15, 2014
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Good list. We just have to give Microsoft time. I know that's been the excuse for the ages but...what else can we do? This should be the last reboot of Windows Phone ever...for better or for worse.

What MS need the most is good feedbacks.. And of course some time to implement it.. And you are right about the reboot of WP.. This is the last one.. For better or worse.. And I love WP alot and I don't want this to die.. I hope it wont until we are around (3%)


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Sep 15, 2014
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Just back on WP 10 now after being on WP8.1 for a month. I'm really hating WP10. I try to like it but one you dig below the surface 8.1 is just so much better. :(

Most of us still loves the WP8.1 UI... But it was not appealing for 97% of smartphones users.. And MS had to rethink... But trust me, they are on the right direction with Continuum for phones

Zachary Boddy

Staff member
Aug 3, 2014
I like some parts of Windows 10 Mobile, other parts not so much. I love that it's more colorful and seems more full and personal. Other places are just plain better like the Settings menu. However, what was once simple is no longer simple in other cases and there's inconsistency that wasn't present in Windows Phone 8.1.


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Nov 10, 2011
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Most of us still loves the WP8.1 UI... But it was not appealing for 97% of smartphones users.. And MS had to rethink... But trust me, they are on the right direction with Continuum for phones

What? WP 8.1 & 10 are largely similar as far as UI. Continuum is for using the phone and displaying it as a desktop format on a PC.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Nov 29, 2012
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Similar but mobile usability is superior on WP8.1. I just think sacrifices were made to make the apps universal. They try to be both but excel at neither environment.


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Sep 15, 2014
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What? WP 8.1 & 10 are largely similar as far as UI. Continuum is for using the phone and displaying it as a desktop format on a PC.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Yeah I know.. Continuum has nothing to do with the UI.. I was trying to point out that even though our lovely panoramic modern UI is not included in W10M , MS did make it up by giving another awesome feature like Continuum... But if you say WP8.1 and W10M are almost the same.. I can't agree with that.. You are just generalizing it..


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Sep 15, 2014
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Similar but mobile usability is superior on WP8.1. I just think sacrifices were made to make the apps universal. They try to be both but excel at neither environment.

That's also a possibility.. MS desperately needs decent market share.. They are trying there best.. But the Question is " is it still enough?.. Is it good enough when comparing it with Android/iOS?" .. We gotta wait and see...
Mar 2, 2015
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1.Search inside messaging app - missing
Who use messaging, maybe once, or twice per month :D :D :D

2.We can't see the status of app installs neither in Action Centre nor in App list ( Wp8.1 has it )
It will be there...

3.Pattern lock screen- missing
One of the most annoying aspects of android devices if you ask me :D

4.Lock Screen features/options like in Android ( Live Lock Screen Beta!! )- Missing
There are bunch of really nice looking and highly customizable lock screen apps such as LockMix, Lockie, etc...

5.Living wallpaper support - missing
Not sure how it will looks like with live tiles, currently there 3 different modes to choose from...

6.Live tiles still cannot act as a widget ( Interactive Live tiles!! ) - missing
We all hopes we'll get something similar, at least from music app and similar...

7.Ability to run two apps at a time at least on 5"+ screens ( snapping) - missing
Not a huge fan although it can be useful on 5"+ screens

8.Ability to set default applications - missing
Strong point, its kind annoying that I'm for example always forced to choose between edge and pdf reader upon opening pdf file..

9.Lock options for core apps/Pin code to open aps ( or at least allow 3rd party apps to do the same..especially for gallery,peoples,messaging etc).
There are some photo locking apps in the store...

10.In-built Wi-Fi file sharing option ( at least WP to WP )-missing.
Yopu mean something like Air Tranfersy?

As a WP user.. All I need is aero effect for action centre,volume controls, and video controls.. :) and I'm good to go with W10M ..
I'm with U :D


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Sep 15, 2014
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Who use messaging, maybe once, or twice per month :D :D :D
May be you don't use it.. But don't generalize it.. There are still users who used SMS.

It will be there...
of course it will.. But when...? May be in the next redstone update..( 1 more month to wait after Official W10M release..not a good thing.)

One of the most annoying aspects of android devices if you ask me :D
Dont generalize it ... Some users prefers lock screen pattern over pins

There are bunch of really nice looking and highly customizable lock screen apps such as LockMix, Lockie, etc...
None of them are live lock screens..they just updates the photo by providing some info over the lock screen image..thats all..

Not sure how it will looks like with live tiles, currently there 3 different modes to choose from...

More options would be an added bonus..

We all hopes we'll get something similar, at least from music app and similar...

We will get it after Q2 2016 .. A long wait..

Not a huge fan although it can be useful on 5"+ screens
Even i'm not a fan of it.. But i could use it to watch movies and chat with my gf at the same time( a must for me :p )
Strong point, its kind annoying that I'm for example always forced to choose between edge and pdf reader upon opening pdf file..
Exactly.. And for watching videos.. I prefer 3rd party players..so it's a must..

There are some photo locking apps in the store..
Photo locking apps are there.. What if i don't want my friends to open my photos app but I'm okay if they use other stuffs in my device ?.. I can't hide every photos from the device.. So App Locker is a must..at least let the 3rd party devs to work on it( currently it's not supported )

Yopu mean something like Air Tranfersy?
I dont know what air tranfersy is.. I was mentioning to Wi-Fi share in Samsung devices(may be an android thing)

I'm with U :D

And I'm with you :p
Reply for you is added inside the quote:)


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Nov 10, 2011
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I actually thought I would use multi window on my Note 4 every now and then, but I've never used it. I did need it one time before I got that phone. Trying to copy and paste random parts of an article to a notepad would have been alot easier with multi window. I've just never needed it since. :/

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Sep 15, 2014
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I actually thought I would use multi window on my Note 4 every now and then, but I've never used it. I did need it one time before I got that phone. Trying to copy and paste random parts of an article to a notepad would have been alot easier with multi window. I've just never needed it since. :/

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Well.. Multi Windows/Snapping feature is not for everyone... It's for hardcore multitasker... And can be a good feature for those who use skype for video calling and they can continue using their phone while in the skype call.. Even though it's for small number of people,it could have been an added bonus.. I don't expect it to land before Q2 2016 though...
Nov 20, 2012
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Um most of these things are android things that I am glad we don't have. Windows 10 is already android like enough as it is without making it into more if a clone now.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Um most of these things are android things that I am glad we don't have. Windows 10 is already android like enough as it is without making it into more if a clone now.

Having the same features like another OS doesn't mean W10 is a clone.. These features are for convincing an Android user to switch.. We gotta see how things gonna come around without these features still missing ( at least for now) .. But I really hope W10M to succeed... This is the last chance for WP.. Do or Die situation.. So we don't want to be blamed for not having these features on board when comparing it with other iOS and Android
Nov 20, 2012
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Having the same features like another OS doesn't mean W10 is a clone.. These features are for convincing an Android user to switch.. We gotta see how things gonna come around without these features still missing ( at least for now) .. But I really hope W10M to succeed... This is the last chance for WP.. Do or Die situation.. So we don't want to be blamed for not having these features on board when comparing it with other iOS and Android
It kinda does though seeing as they already have android like features that look and work the same way.
Shame the OS had to be ddumbed down and butchered but I hope if Microsoft gets the market share then they will do another reboot afterwards and bring it back to what it used to be. They are fans of reboots after all.

But windows 10 as it is reminds me of a skinned android phone. And seeing as there already is an android runtime on the phone, I really don't want to see more android like features.

Time to stop being me too and time to start being a leader and innovator.

Lingeshwaran R

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Feb 12, 2015
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actually android is becoming wp according to me (marshmallow launcher for example)....and pls don't forget that Astoria has not yet been officially released.....

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