What games do you want to see ported to Windows Phone?

Selfcreation, it's Zenonia! No M's!! :cool:

Everyone, the complete contest results are here:

Contest Results - What mobile games would our readers like to see ported to Windows Phone? | wpcentral | Windows Phone News, Forums, and Reviews

Please visit the results page and post supportive comments (if you haven't already) as Microsoft will definitely be looking at the article this week. We could be playing many of these games on our WP7 phones in the future! :)

Picking the winners was seriously hard. A few great entries that didn't win: PineappleJoe, AriesDog, and Loganbo. I would especially love to see AriesDog's choice - Doctor Who: The Mazes of Time - on WP7 as I am a crazy big Doctor Who fan. But I couldn't nominate that game over the other 9 games, which I feel are more important to the platform's success and competitiveness.

PineAppleJoe, your entry was very well-written, but the actual Silent Hill game you picked - a pre-iPhone game - is very unlikely to actually make it to WP7 or iPhone. I do hope Silent Hill shows up some day though - thankfully Konami has been a good WP7 supporter so far.

Also wish an Infinity Blade entry would have won, but it was not to be. And I'm surprised nobody nominated Game Developer Story, which is pretty popular on iPhone and Android.
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Cheers bud, I'm just a huge beards and beaks fan and was hoping for one of the codes. At least this comp seems to have brought new members to an already awesome site =D

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