What is everyone going to be using their SP3 for primarily?


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Jun 18, 2014
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I ask this question because I had to ask myself what would I be using this for? Why purchase a SP3 when I own so many computers (Desktop PC builder). I never owned a laptop because my employer has always supplied me with a laptop but they have always been bulky early 2000's laptops that weigh 10lbs. I'm looking forward to the portability and light weight aspect of the surface pro 3. So many people I know purchased the S2 and SP2 and they love them. I've been able to play around with them and I am a fan of the surface line. My employer considered providing tablets to staff. I requested the surface but they demoed a HP Android tablet that was just not a good fit for the business. I liked the tablet but it wasn't really helpful on the productivity end. I went to demo the SP3 at Best Buy after I had already preordered it and I loved it. I think this is going to be better on my back especially since I won't have to carry a heavy old school laptop around all day. All of the lawyers in the court office I frequent for work use surface pro 2's and I can't wait to walk into court with my new SP3 and brag a little. Ok back to the subject at hand. I'm going to be using my SP3 for productivity purposes as well as taking advantage of the note taking capabilities. I've just started using OneNote on my Ipad and Android smartphone and I'm a fan. It's so useful. Also I'm going to start writing a book and I can never focus writing on my desktop at home. I write better when I'm out and about. I'm so excited. What will everyone else be using their SP3 for?

Cage Ata

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Mar 1, 2014
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I will be using mine as a easier way to edit photos when I am away from my desktop. As a fashion photographer It is great to have a PC to remotely shoot to, but having a portable tablet and laptop that is both fast, fluid and confortable will be very helpful as I move from place to place.


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Basically everything as well. I do a lot of flying, doing presentations in different cities for sales. It will be so nice not to be packing a laptop and iPad anymore.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App


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Jun 18, 2014
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I will definitely be bringing my SP3 along with me for photography too....My Nikon will love it as a companion! When I get my sleeve I will also have to make room for my Ipad to use it as a hotspot. (It was cheaper than using my phone as a hotspot and I gotta make my Ipad useful)


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Handwritten notes from classes
Drawings in sketchbook pro
CAD in Solidworks
Office 365
Movie watching connected to TV
Listening to music
General tablet consumption


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Sep 5, 2013
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Replacing my desktop, focus on photo editing in Capture NX2, Lightroom and IRFanView batch conversions.

I'm a Photography enthusiast and I'm looking to expand my editing capabilities outside of Aperture. I will be moving to a Lightroom based library on the SP3 but I wanted to know what specific editing you use Capture and IRFanView for instead of Lightroom. I've never used either so I am not aware of their strengths/weaknesses.


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To be honest, nothing specific and everything in general. I dont really have a need for core performance but the notetaking experience is better than my 8" Asus and for home use will be better for office work and video watching than my 10.8" Dell. Plus another sale counts to negate the apple-biased tech press and their false reviews. :)


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Mar 7, 2014
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Microsoft Office (mainly Excel and Project) and Internet Explorer most of the time as I'm a travelling project manager for SaaS software. A few other programs I use for work keep me from just getting a Surface 2 and calling it a day: GoToMeeting (hosting), Adobe Captivate, Filezilla, and Cisco VPN mostly. Still love just throwing my backpack on the belt at the airport and not having to worry about the second bin BS, as well as seeing others trying to use a full size laptop (even a MacBook Air) on planes. I've seen some very interesting contortionist acts.

Also going back to school in the Spring for my MBA, so I'll be using it there for OneNote a lot. I did the same years ago with a MacBook Pro as an undergrad for my BA degree, which was 99.9% text. Now that I'll be in a more math/statistics oriented degree, I foresee the pen input being absolutely invaluable!

Non-work related, the device is an amazing tablet. I'm really looking forward to being fat on the couch with it.


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Apr 27, 2011
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At home I'll use it in my kick-back chair while studying and doing homework, and sometimes I'll have it on the desk connected to two 24" monitors, filling the space where the for-sale HP dv6t-SE is now sitting. That's where I do some of my homework and writing code when I have time. I'll also tote it around with me, like I now do with my SP2, for general use wherever I am.
Dec 9, 2011
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I'm a Photography enthusiast and I'm looking to expand my editing capabilities outside of Aperture. I will be moving to a Lightroom based library on the SP3 but I wanted to know what specific editing you use Capture and IRFanView for instead of Lightroom. I've never used either so I am not aware of their strengths/weaknesses.

NX2 is Nikon's software and it has the best RAW conversion I have used. The control points are great for selective noise reduction and color correction. You can modify all internal settings for RAW files like it was in-camera editing.

IRFanView is used to resize, resample and watermark images for wordpress galleries. It is fast, lightweight and very high quality despite being free.


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May 4, 2014
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Visual studio, gaming (light, primarily sonic, age of empires etc), School work.
I'm also going to use it to prove to head of english that the iPad scheme and the fact that they force students to get iPads is for 1: Stupid, and 2: Unproductive.

I'm going to rock out using Word, Twitter, Visual studio and IE11 all at the same time whilst my brother plays with his iToy.

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