What is that which makes a Mac device stand out still


New member
Sep 24, 2013
Ive heard this from a million guys that there is something in mac that Windows devices just cannot have. One such thing is the smoothness of the trackpad and it unique gestures that Mac laptops have. What other features do you think that a apple laptop has that is yet needed in a Windows device?

PS: I haven't tried the trackpad of the surface book yet, but IMHO the trackpad of the HP Spectre falls just a little short of being excellent when comparing it to the Mac.
MacOS is UNiX based which is still faster than w10 OS.

Being UNiX based is one sure advantage that Macs have here and I really think MS cant change to that in Windows 10. Probably someone with an OS level knowledge​ might really know if its possible or not
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I agree on this their quality and level of customer service is incredible. You can take a device into an apple store and if its possible they will repair it in 2 hours and give it back to you. this is really nice coz I cannot part with my laptop for long. Not sure if MS does something like this

Microsoft tends to have pretty great support with brick and mortar stores, but those are very hard to find. I live in the middle of the USA and the closest one to me is four hours away.
Mac OS, with all it's pluses and minuses.

Excellent touchpads.

Well-made hardware that tends to push the envelope in various ways that may not be a big deal but they do attention to detail well, even if their MacBook Pro only has USB-C ports now.


Well that really varies, out at my school I'd peg the percent marketshare of Macs on-campus (not including school-owned computers) to be somewhere in the 30's-40's.


Marketshare is the percentage sold each quarter. Userbase is the often harder to measure number, of actual users. I don't correct to be pedantic, but because people confuse these concepts and it misleads them informationally.
I've had experience with thousands of students since I used to be student myself in college and the one thing I realised is that students had many softwares installed

They had office (word, excel, powerpoint, onenote, even publisher), browsers - it was either firefox or chrome, idm, video converters, study related software such as matlab, graphing software, autodesk, autocad, sketchup, music software, vlc or something similar, and a lot more besides

And they regularly used them and most of them still use them in their workplaces or at home

People here buy pcs or laptops based on a high level of need and not just for the sake of having a pc/laptop at home. If they needed a device for media consumption and basic browsing, their phones are there

And he percentage of apple devices at college? less than 0.5% (and that's a conservative estimate) And the college has over 15000 students

Yeah I think that's pretty similar to new Zealand. People mostly have windows laptops. Iphones and ipads are popular, but not macbooks.

Also even the most computer illiterate people I know have a small collection of software of some sort. They don't do everyting in the browser IMO. It might not be a lot of software, or power software, but its usually more than just stock and a browser.
I know some people who switched to Mac OS and MacBooks a few years back and they had mostly two reasons - first they were annoyed with Windows issues, instability, drivers issues, BSoD etc. and they wanted something easy, good looking and what's working. And they wanted a good device, reliable, basically a premium device.

But to be honest now with W10 the situation is much better and I personally had a lot of problems with Vista especially and some stability issues with 7 as well, but Windows 10 is the best Windows I've ever had and these people see that too and agree. And now we have Surface line and Dell premium devices.

The only thing that Microsoft needs right now is the build a reputation and get some proper hype, so people would consider it on the same level as Apple. That's the last thing they are missing IMO.

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