What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size)


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Oct 30, 2012
What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size)

I'm planning to purchase the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim upon release however, i would like to know first your thoughts on the best possible Micro SD card for the said device.

I heard that some Lumia's (1520, 1320 and 630/635) are experiencing lags with the Nokia Camera app and App transfers from Phone memory to SD storage, some are even experiencing MP3 and Photo duplicates when trying to sync their Lumia's with the PC, the common denominator in all of this cases are they used a "SanDisk Ultra (16gb, 32gb, 64gb & 128gb) Micro SDXC UH-1", does SanDisk have a compatibility problems with Nokia Lumia in particular? or just the Ultra series of Micro SDXC UH-1 from SanDisk have the compatibility issues?

I've read that Samsung EVO Micro SDXC UH-1 and SanDisk Extreme Plus (16gb, 32gb & 64gb) Micro SDXC UH-1 works really well with Lumia's, is this true? what's the Best Brand, Type and Size of Micro SD for the Lumia 730 or any Lumia (630/635, 1320, 1520 etc...) for that matter?

Nokia states that the Lumia 730 supports 128gb Micro SD cards however, basing from the topics above, can the 1.2 Ghz Quad Core Snapdragon 400 on the Lumia 730 even handle a SanDisk 128gb Micro SDXC UH-1 without any lags? does the processor of the Lumia 730 (Snapdragon 400) even support Micro SDXC UH-1 or Micro SDHC UH-1? or it just supports Micro SDHC Class 10?

Please share your thoughts and experiences on the questions above. Thanks in advance!
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

These are the ones we use in 3x Lumia 820. No lag what so ever. The camera is as fast as with internal storage.
A 16gb, 32gb and 64gb model.
Sandisk U1.
As soon as when I have my Lumia 735 I will be able to verify whether they work as in a Lumia 730. But my guess is they will work great.
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

go for sandisk...they are the best. I would go for their 128GB!
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

guys. does the samsung evo class 10 64gb is supported in lumia 730.
I want to buy this 64gb card
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

guys. does the samsung evo class 10 64gb is supported in lumia 730.
I want to buy this 64gb card

I am using Samsung EVO class 10 16GB, it is working fine, so the 64GB should be good too.
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

any one here used a samsung evo class 10 64gb for lumia 730 ?????
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

I just use an el cheapo 8GB Sandisk card, Speed level 4. Used for Here maps and some music. I don't fill the phone with terabytes and this slow card makes no problem. If I need bigger, I will change it for a 16GB slow card.

I don't notice any differerent speed when the data was stored at internally.
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

I am using SanDisk 32 GB Class 10...no problem so far...!!Good to Go!!
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

Can any one tell me...whats the current OS version for Lumia 730?
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

I'm using the SanDisk 128 GB with no problems.
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

Hello, i buy a 128GB EVO Micro SD Micro SDHC 48MB/s UHS-I Class 10 TF Flash Memory Card for my Lumia 735. It will run well? Or my phone its gonna leg? :grincry:
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

i have a nokia lumia 730 mobile. and OS is 8.1...........
which memory card is the best for that mobile :unhappy:
Re: What is the Best Micro SD card for the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual-Sim? (In terms of Brand, Type & Size

i have a nokia lumia 730 mobile. and OS is 8.1...........
which memory card is the best for that mobile :unhappy:
Go with Samsung EVO since you get card reader for free and Samsung SD card are fast.

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