What is the big deal about GDR2!!!

I would agreed with you if they had to start from zero but the OS is beautiful and has mature beautifully, Nokia's know how in the industry would help them develop and transfer most or all of the the cymbian gadgets, Nokia could possible do well. In any case I hope MSFT steps it here. I love the OS and I want to see it kick some iOS booty
What's the big deal about GDR2? Obviously, you haven't even considered anyone who owns Lumias that have only 8GB of internal storage. For one thing, the update solves the issue of the "Other" storage that's plagued phones like the 810, 720 and so on. I use a 920 these days, but before that, I used an 810 on T-Mobile, and I couldn't be happier that the update finally came to that phone. I know my fellow 810 owners will agree.

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