What is the highest quality brand of laptop?

I went with the Lenovo. Would have been nice to have i5 or i7 but will gave to go with i3 for now. Hell, my ?350 Advent Roma 1000 has done me for the last 5 years and it's a cheapo nasty PC World brand. It still works as long as you keep it plugged in.

If you want to add a ssd later it will make a big difference. Hope you like it. A little battery care advice. Modern battery like to be drained down to 30% then charged back up. You can drain it lower but the main thing is to not drain it dead and if you do drain it real low immediately charge it back up. Leaving a laptop battery dead for any length of time will utterly destroy the battery quick.
If you want to add a ssd later it will make a big difference. Hope you like it. A little battery care advice. Modern battery like to be drained down to 30% then charged back up. You can drain it lower but the main thing is to not drain it dead and if you do drain it real low immediately charge it back up. Leaving a laptop battery dead for any length of time will utterly destroy the battery quick.

I have an SSD in my Advent laptop, after my silly GF dropped it and killed the hard drive.
The only one on that list that will last 4 years and run great is Lenovo. Asus is the epitome of throw away technology. Toshiba long ago was known for quality but nowadays makes poor quality laptops. Hp is pretty but don't recomed them at all. Not a ****** its just that Lenovo is the only one on the list known for great laptops and quality.

I've had great service from Asus laptops. I have one now that is eight years old and has been upgraded to Windows 8.1. It was used every day for four years to edit video.
No laptop is better... I've taken apart and rebuilt plenty laptops... Not even Apple is better... If you open any laptop you will find the same cheap parts from the same cheap brands. No laptop manufacture actually makes the internal parts of their laptops. They're all full of AMD, Intel, Fiji, Fujitsu, gigabyte, Samsung etc parts. The best laptop is either the one you make yourself or the one you take care of best. Unlike desktops there is little choice in laptop internal parts. You want a good laptop, buy a dead one and build it the way your want our buy any laptop and take care of it. Otherwise don't think any brand is doing anything special.
Dell and Microsoft (Surface) make the highest quality devices. Dell is like Nokia, virtually indestructible.
Lenovo's ThinkPad laptops are fantastic. And Toshiba has caught my attention lately by producing really great hardware usually for less than the competition.

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30 via Tapatalk
HP, Lenovo, Toshiba or Asus is what I've got to choose from. It's gotta last around 4 years for my uni work.

Everyone has their own favorites. I'm no exception....

I steer clear of Dell and HP.
I DO recommend Lenovo, Toshiba, and Asus. I've always had good experiences with them. And for some reason, Gateway... the systems that appear as doorbusters are tanks that never die.
Love my Asus zenbook. Lovely device. Steer clear of HP. Apparently the still haven't learned how to properly cool their stuff.

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