What is your 'other' browser?

Vivaldi on my desktops. Edge on my tablet because it has a Atom z8850 and struggles with other browsers. It's also more touch friendly.
FF is my main across all of my computers, and I use Chrome (ugghhh) as backup, since I find that most sites which won't behave correctly on FF, will work well on Chrome.
Being a developer myself, I can imagine why's that - a lot of developers are being lazy to check cross-browser compatibility of their web applications, and since most developers (which I know of, anyway) use Chrome - this is the (sad) result...
My default browser is Opera with Edge or Internet Explorer as my backup. The lone exception is my Surface 3 where I tend to use Edge mainly with Opera as the backup.
So I know many people aren't thrilled with Edge with its lack of extensions and sometimes quirky handling of some sites. Chrome is hands down the most popular, but what do you use as your other browser that's either your daily driver or your back-up when Edge just won't do it?

Edge as main with IE11 as backup.
Edge is my default, switch to IE11 for some sites. You would think they would work the same, but that would be too easy. (Apparently so is being able to set source view to the application of your choice.) Opera is my backup.

Oddly, or maybe not, this site works the best on Edge Mobile. Hope it stays that way.
Firefox is my primary browser and use Opera as a backup for the inbuilt VPN. when FF fails with certain websites and then I fallback to the ever reliable IE.
Chrome and Opera.

Edge is just embarrassing.

All of the inking and other interesting features are, well, interesting, but I don't know anyone that has ever used them or even tried them.

Microsoft has spent far too much time on those infrequently used things and given up on basic modern browser features like a usable favorites bar, dragging a site onto the favorites bar, dev tools, and a list of other things that all other popular browsers figured out years ago, but Microsoft just doesn't think is worth the effort.

I've mentioned to Microsoft via feedback all of these things, yet I haven't seen an improvement in Edge in, well, ever. It's like they've given up or just don't care.
I use Opera as my default browser. I get a VPN connection and the adblocker builtin with it. Otherwise I would have to install addons which eats RAM.
I use mostly Edge and Chrome. When I click on links in the Mail app the link gets opened in Edge. Typically I use Edge for somethings and Chrome for some things.
On my PC I'm using Chrome, but I have Edge ready if something goes wrong... but I never had to go with an alternative solution actually.

On my Surface Pro, I'm using Edge as the main browser, but from time to time I go for Chrome as an alternative browser.
I mostly use Edge, but often fallback on chrome, for it (Google) has better search results. That said, I mostly try Edge (with Bing) first.
But for the UI and the overall experience with Windows, I prefer Edge.

Sorry about double reply, did it wrong the first time, but you can switch your search engine in edge to google. It's under advanced settings.
I use firefox for my PORN. I don't want edge, cortana or windows 10 logging the stuff I'm into. :devil:

.... and no, I'm not sorry for posting this coz I have no shame
Edge is beyond horrible. Has features no one has heard or wants while basic stuff doesn't work. No wonder Chrome has taken over. MS project managers are terribly incompetent

Sent from mTalk
I've been using Firefox for years now but Edge has become incredibly stable and is doing a great job of rendering pages. I wouldn't have said that a month ago so somebody's hard at work. Conversely, Chrome has deteriorated lately especially with ineffective ad blockers.

Sent from my Acer Liquid Jade Primo on mTalk
Edge isn't as bad as it use to be. It's basic enough for me. I had been using Opera for a while which is probably the best of the chrome clones but something feels kinda funny with them being Chinese owned and all. I've switched for Firefox 57 right now and I like it.... don't love it... but I like it. It's familiar but a updated look to match edge and opera.

The one thing I do like about Edge is the One Note integration, I use One Note a lot and I'm pretty well in to the MS ecosystem.

I use Chrome for work because we have some shared Docs we use it for and Google annoys the crap out of me. Growing up using MS products, it feels very anti-intuitive and doing spreadsheets in browser is pure insanity!
Primary: Firefox
Backup: Edge

I'm waiting on NoScript to be added to the Edge extensions store before I migrate to Edge as a primary browser. It does have Ublock Origin which I use as an adblocker, I stopped using Adblock plus after they were brought out by a private consortium.

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