Can't your employer add another carrier discount? Why eliminate competition.
Would everyone say if no Verizon phone is announced at Nokia world, that they wont be releasing any the rest of the year? What about LG, Samsung, HTC? I would assume phones would have been leaked from those companies so i believe Nokia is the last chance. I would get the trophy, but 150 is way to much. The new iPhone is 50 bucks more. The Trophy needs to be around 50 for me to get it.
Looks like it is true. No Nokia phones in the US until early 2012. Le sigh. Guess I'll be running a month-to-month contract on my Focus until then, since I love the apps that come with the Nokia phones.
My company pays for my service but not my phone. Because of that, I'm tied to Verizon no matter what. So what will I do if no WP7 is announced for Verizon at Nokia World?
eBay usedYea I am pretty upset...anyone know where I can buy a Trophy for around 200 off contract?
You VZW customers might be pleased to know that the Verizon team is at Nokia World, so there's definitely hope for you.
Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
Even though I wouldn't be in a rush to switch to a new WP device, I would switch carriers to get what I want. It would have to be for more than just a phone though because carriers alternate between each other in who has the hottest/best phones. I was a returning Sprint customer for 2.5 years but with that spotty coverage and expensive bills, I couldn't stay with them. They were constantly increasing the prices (and the taxes ALONE were ridiculous). And that's what's going to be with these carriers. That's why I ultimately made the decision to go prepaid. I pray that services like H2O wireless and Simple Mobile keep their plans and rates because their prices are great. Being able to use any unlocked device (or native AT&T *H2O* or T-Mo *Simple* devices) on their networks is an added bonus
I'm about to bail on Sprint myself. How's that working out going prepaid in terms of coverage or any other potential quirks?
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