Whats going on with the Facebook app on Windows phone?

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Whats going on with facebook app on windows phone?

I just switched from android to a lumia 1020 windows phone with windows 8.1

Before we begin, we're talking about a new lumia with a fresh start installation.

Facebook app is so buggy to a point that it just isnt reliable. so many bugs.

These are my primarly concerns in order of importance:

1) When i get a notification saying "someone commented on your pic", then I click on that notification, it directs me to some other random post that its not my picture , or the post that i started, I didnt even comment or set to get notifications to that post. It's weird, ridiculous!

2) As you all know, its been awhile since facebook added so you could reply other people?s comments on a given post. theres like sub-branches of comments within a post. kinda like reddit.. you know what im talking about.... well, in this bad windows facebook app, if someone replies specificaly to a given comment or reply, it doesn't add to that specific reply, it just appears in the main reply list. so lets say there were 5 comments, each with its set of replies ... in this app, all replies appear in one big list mixed up... wtf? its messy, difficult to read and interact. if it is even possible.

3) There are no reactions implemented yet!?

4) Gifs dont auto open. and if you click on them they dont play on the app, they open on browser... sigh...... and yes my configuration its set to always play. you have to click and then it opens browser and it shows in like an area of 1/4 of an inch in the top bottom ccorner. its so minuscule for my 4.5" inch display to know what the gif is about.

those are the most annoying ones and the ones i can remember, but i think there are more issues im forgetting..

im not just thinking, i am certain im going back to android but not overnight.. in the meantime, can anyone plz direct me on what to do to fix this? ?
Or are y all using this crap app this way?

Sometimes i open the browser then open facebook.com but even that way, there are bugs, sometimes the screen flips to one side and i have to click a friend or a group then go back to get it fixed. its ridiculous.

What to do?
Windows Phone Model NOKIA 909 (1020)
Windows Phone 8.1

Although the answer may seem obvious to you or seem like a newbie question bear in mind this is my first time using this operating system on a phone. All ive used is android.

Any suggestions are appreciated and welcomed.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Whats going on with facebook app on windows phone?

The Windows Phone Facebook app is less-than-decent. You may want to use the mobile site.
Re: Whats going on with facebook app on windows phone?

You must be new...

Facebook is developing a new app for Windows 10. it will not reach to Windows 8.1 and your 1020 would not be upgraded to Windows 10 either.

We are still waiting on the Windows 10 app but it should be out pretty soon and will be on par with the Android and IOS app.

My suggestion to you would be to get a device that will be windows 10 capable, example a lumia 640 which is 30$ at walmart now.

Purchasing the 1020 was a poor decision at this time (in my opinion)
Re: Whats going on with facebook app on windows phone?

You must be new...

Facebook is developing a new app for Windows 10. it will not reach to Windows 8.1 and your 1020 would not be upgraded to Windows 10 either.

We are still waiting on the Windows 10 app but it should be out pretty soon and will be on par with the Android and IOS app.

My suggestion to you would be to get a device that will be windows 10 capable, example a lumia 640 which is 30$ at walmart now.

Purchasing the 1020 was a poor decision at this time (in my opinion)

okay, you just gave me reason enough to never ever come back to a windows phone.

wheres the logic or common sense in cutting out a med-to-high gamma phone from being updated? heh.

i wouldn't have imagined windows phones were so effin limited.
an old nokia with symbianOS and facebook app has no bugs and is highly operable, wth? and you guys are waiting for a facebook app omg.

this phone is now my personal gopro street motorcycle cam until it sells if it even does.
back to android.

The Windows Phone Facebook app is less-than-decent. You may want to use the mobile site.

yes thats what i do. although it has not as many bugs as the app. it still has bugs!, the main one is that almost every new page, group, pic, status i click to, afterwards, the screen goes half the screen. i have to join a group or click my profile to fix. wth
then i thought, welp. its no surprise, we all know internet explorer is terrible and buggy and discountinued cuz of that. only to find that there is no google chrome for windows phone lolmomgwth. im amazed how poorly supported windows phone is.

another issue i have with this phone is that the speaker, the normal one, the one you use to talk privately. its very low, ive increased all the volume to the max, and the only way you can have a decent conversation is if you're in your room, at night, with no noise. you literally can't talk to anyone if you're on the street, or at restaurant. gosh.
and then i went to the solution anyone would go to, find an app to increase the volume forcebly. only to find that there are only 4 apps and all of them only work for 8.0 and not for 8.1 lmao.
Re: Whats going on with facebook app on windows phone?

okay, you just gave me reason enough to never ever come back to a windows phone.

wheres the logic or common sense in cutting out a med-to-high gamma phone from being updated? heh.

Because med to high android phones get updated to the latest android version all the time right? lol

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Bye.
Re: Whats going on with facebook app on windows phone?

Because med to high android phones get updated to the latest android version all the time right? lol

Right, they don't. However, they don't need them as much. An Android device running KitKat is still very capable, and can use virtually any app in the Store. WP users cannot wait for updates, primarily to fix bugs and make the phone semi-relevant, not so much to add features (unless the "feature" is to fix a serious rebooting issue or something like that).

This place has an out-of-control obsession with updates.
Current Facebook app on Windows 10 Mobile developed by MS is also bad, very bad. It always shows me that notification count. But when I go to notification section, count disappears but no details about notification. Besides other features works randomly, like sometimes I am able to change profile pic, sometimes it gets stuck and does not proceed.
I am using official W10M release (.218) on Lumia 830.

I hope Facebook release their official promised app soon for W10M.
Current Facebook app on Windows 10 Mobile developed by MS is also bad, very bad. It always shows me that notification count. But when I go to notification section, count disappears but no details about notification. Besides other features works randomly, like sometimes I am able to change profile pic, sometimes it gets stuck and does not proceed.
I am using official W10M release (.218) on Lumia 830.

FB on Windows 10 Mobile is better than on Windows Phone 8.1 though, you said you're using .218 release on Windows 830, there's currently .318 out, was that a typo?
I hope Facebook release their official promised app soon for W10M.
Also to the guest that started this post, you were switching from Android to Windows, how come did you come up with choosing Lumia 1020? did you get any guidance in your choosing? was it new phone or used and how much did you pay for it?
Re: Whats going on with facebook app on windows phone?

okay, you just gave me reason enough to never ever come back to a windows phone.

wheres the logic or common sense in cutting out a med-to-high gamma phone from being updated? heh.

i wouldn't have imagined windows phones were so effin limited.
an old nokia with symbianOS and facebook app has no bugs and is highly operable, wth? and you guys are waiting for a facebook app omg.

this phone is now my personal gopro street motorcycle cam until it sells if it even does.
back to android.

yes thats what i do. although it has not as many bugs as the app. it still has bugs!, the main one is that almost every new page, group, pic, status i click to, afterwards, the screen goes half the screen. i have to join a group or click my profile to fix. wth
then i thought, welp. its no surprise, we all know internet explorer is terrible and buggy and discountinued cuz of that. only to find that there is no google chrome for windows phone lolmomgwth. im amazed how poorly supported windows phone is.

another issue i have with this phone is that the speaker, the normal one, the one you use to talk privately. its very low, ive increased all the volume to the max, and the only way you can have a decent conversation is if you're in your room, at night, with no noise. you literally can't talk to anyone if you're on the street, or at restaurant. gosh.
and then i went to the solution anyone would go to, find an app to increase the volume forcebly. only to find that there are only 4 apps and all of them only work for 8.0 and not for 8.1 lmao.

U realize your phone is roughly 3 years old and no longer supported or even sold anymore. It's time to upgrade. Phones aren't updated forever your time is up

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