With rumors of Band 2 supposedly being in the works, what improvements or new features are you hoping to see? What do you hope remains unchanged, presumably because it's already a solid feature?
Improvements/New features
Stays the Same
Improvements/New features
- Better Covering Durability. Twice now, I've had the covering on the battery compartment wrinkle up and eventually come off, exposing the metal. I believe this occurs because I rest my wrist on my MS ergo keyboard while typing all day.
- Non-Corrosive HR and GSR Sensors. I've had to exchange my Band twice since release because of corrosion on the GSR sensor that made it difficult to charge the Band. It also lead to irritation of my skin. I get about three months before the corrosion gets so bad that it inhibits charging and causes skin irritation.
- Current Time on Activity. I'd like to see the current time displayed on the main run, bike, and workout displays during those activities. Often, I have a hard stop at a certain time. I want to be able to monitor this while doing the activity.
- Better Scratch Resistance. I'd like to see a scratch resistant screen used. I hate having to use a screen protector. It cheapens the device and starts peeling off over time.
- Walk Tile with Better HR Tracking. I'd like to see a walk tile so that the Band records the correct activity and hopefully tracks HR better during walks, particularly on a treadmill. I will occasionally walk the treadmill at a high incline to get my HR up without stressing my knees too much.
Stays the Same
- HR Tracking. I find the Band HR tracking to be pretty accurate for most of my activities--biking, weight lifting, elliptical. I hope this continues. My only wish here is that it improves on the treadmill (see walk tile above).
- Cool feel. Despite its bulk and payload of sensors, I find that the Band feels cooler--less hot and sweaty--on my wrist than other fitness devices. For example, I find that the Fitbit Charge feels hot and sticks to my wrist more than the Band does. As I mentioned above, the durability of the material admittedly needs work.
- Automatic and Manual Sleep Tracking. I love the sleep tracking on the Band. I find that it works better than the Fitbit Charge. It's easier to understand the sleep chart and I like having both a manual and automatic mode.
- Ability to Wear Face In. It was odd at first, but after using the Band for a while, I have concluded that wearing it face in is the superior way to wear it. It's so easy to flick my wrist up during a workout to see my activity stats. It's only a wrist flick; whereas, wearing on the outside requires moving my entire arm to see the face.