What's the best Twitter app?


New member
Nov 1, 2011
I am an Android Tweetcaster user currently. Which is the best Twitter app on WP7? I read a review for the Titan where the reviewer casually mentions that Seesmic is his favorite Twitter app, and that there are no really good ones on the platform. Is that the consensus?
Birdsong FTW. Rowi is nice, but crashes far too often - Birdsong hasn't crashed on me once since I switched. Birdsong can also show you any direct messages and mentions at a glance from your main stream of messages.
Don't get tweetcaster for wp7. I used tweetcaster pro when I was on android so I shelled out the money for the wp7 version only to find out it wasn't nearly as good as android version.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
you'll find that most trial apps don't include the Live tile, part of the incentive to buy.

Birdsong is .99, you can't go wrong.
Hmm never looked into other Twitter apps compared to the main one and I don't use the official one since it does not have a break from last seen tweets to new tweets like I've seen on all the ones I have used on my iPod.

Any of these suggested ones do this?
Rowi seems to be the ONLY twitter app that even has the OPTION to save your last read tweet location. Why is that?? Don't devs realize that sometimes people dont get around to catching up on timelines for hours!! This seems to be a staple of a feature on every app on every other platform??

Kudos for Rowi for being the only one, but load times and semi-crashes while trying to catch up on timelines detract from the app. Why only load 25 tweets at a time and then jump away from previous last read location.

Uggh. Nothings perfect. Why can't it be perfect!!??

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