What's your favorite game of all-time?

Gonna cheat a bit and say the Mass Effect trilogy. One of a few games series where I could actually get emotionally invested with the characters and just get taken for quite a ride. The universe was fantastic, the combat was interesting with those abilities and combos and the soundtrack is great. I put in a lot of time in that game across a number of playthroughs.
I'll go even older school. My favourite video arcade game was Space Invaders. However, I like even older games than that. I almost bought an electromechanical pinball machine back in 1991. Electromechanical pinball machines were pre-1977 era.
I'll go even older school. My favourite video arcade game was Space Invaders. However, I like even older games than that. I almost bought an electromechanical pinball machine back in 1991. Electromechanical pinball machines were pre-1977 era.

My first arcade memory is playing battlezone. My dad had to hold me up to the periscope so I could play the game
I'll go even older school. My favourite video arcade game was Space Invaders. However, I like even older games than that. I almost bought an electromechanical pinball machine back in 1991. Electromechanical pinball machines were pre-1977 era.

Now you're talking. Old-school arcades and pinballs are the best. Don't get me started on pinball... :P
Bubble Bobble! Haven't played it for nearly a decade but I will never ever forget that tune!
It's a really hard choice but I would have to decide between:

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (GOTY Edition)
That is a tough one. I think it would depend on the day. I loved the original Metal Gear, and played endless upon endless hours of Contra. I think I'd have to go with Final Fantasy X, though. I put well over 300 hours into that game. I haven't played it in a while, but when I found out they were releasing a remastered version of it on the PS3, I had a complete and total knee jerk reaction to buy it.
Unreal Tournament original, Age of Empires II: The Conquerors, and Order & Chaos. They are all addicting.
Bubble Bobble! Haven't played it for nearly a decade but I will never ever forget that tune!

I forgot about Bubble Bobble! That was a great one. Bust-a-Move was pretty good too. So many Bust-a-Move variants out on the different app stores now, such a classic game.
An arcade Mame game called speed rumbler or sometimes called Rush and crash. It was like a very early GTA.
Plus Diddy Kong racing, that game went on n on.
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Legend of zelda ocarina of time nintendo 64......eepppppiiicccc!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW MY 9 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS PLAYING IT ON HER 3DS

This... also GoldenEye & MarioKart when I was with a couple of friends.

Bionic Commando on NES as that is one game I remembered playing with my dad before he passed.
The metal gear solid series is definitely one of my favorites, the storyline has an amazing amount depth to it. Another favorite of mine is the legend of Zelda series but the legend of Zelda ocarina of time on the gamecube in particular.
Xbox = Halo 2
Xbox 360 = Halo 3
iPhone = Bastion
DS = Animal crossing
Gameboy = Pokemon Ruby
I'll go even older school. My favourite video arcade game was Space Invaders. However, I like even older games than that. I almost bought an electromechanical pinball machine back in 1991. Electromechanical pinball machines were pre-1977 era.

My fav arcade game was Star Wars.... I own a star wars cockpit from 1983 (and a few other coin op arcade games), I did have a upright star wars for a while but, restored (about 80%, need new side art) a cockpit.

Console/PC games or shall we say more modern games, Uncharted Series, GTA4, American McGee's Alice, Hmm....

I play games as much as I can and I have played 1,000's of games over the years from the Atari 2600 all the way to 360/PS3, it's really hard to claim a Fav....REALLY HARD as there were MANY great games over the years.

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