No way of saying one, but Quake (PC), Diablo (PC), and Titan Quest (PC) have been the games that I've played the most (5+ times through, each).
Tomb Raider would probably be my favorite game series (I don't think I've played any of those games more than once, though).
Ohh man. This is so hard for me because I love so many games. But I think it'd have to be between Final Fantasy IV, VI, and Chrono Trigger. So hard to choose. Lol but I'm leaning more towards chrono trigger I think.
Ah the RPGers go to's. I'd add golden sun to that list, along with ff tactics advanced,(no doubt this, for me, is the best strategy of all time) and f-zero X. Latter got me into metal and is the best racer ever made, cancelled because gaming standards dropped to point where people didn't want to be skilled anymore. They'd rather have items to take down their opponents. Rant over.
The game I played when I was a kid was one you had to have a second player with. Pong. Yeah, I still remember the day my dad brought home a Pong console, and we spun those wheels for hours on end playing. Pretty amazing back in the day.
Favorite game of all time? I'd have to say Scrabble. I don't mean the computerized stuff, I mean the old-school board game with the tiles in a bag. Come to think of it, I still like tiles. I have them on my phone and on my laptop.
Y'know what? I'm not gonna go retro this time... I'm giving it to something recent! Tomb Raider (2013).
This game was so goddamn good that I bought it on Xbox 360, One and Steam just to 100% it multiple times.
It's fun, it's a landmark in storytelling, it's next gen... and I think I can speak for a huge chunk of the gaming industry when I say this series was never expected to come from being as mediocre as it was to overthrowing Uncharted as well as it did.
It's also so gorgeous that you can pretty much pause at ANY POINT in the game and have a decent-to-superb wallpaper for your computer.