What's your story ... How did you end up with a WP?

Oh then its great k your on screen time on the phone?

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

You mean how long the screen stays active? It's one minute. Mine is one minute, don't know what wife has set hers to.
Hey are u saying the truth by your battery life i think it has bearable battery life it seems.anyway i get only 4 hours on screen time if i connect to wifi nd turn live tiles on. With location it is only 3 hrs.if u leave whole day without using i get 2 days with minimum usage wity battery saver on.so iam using my droid more.am using my Xperia c more.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
You mean how long the screen stays active? It's one minute. Mine is one minute, don't know what wife has set hers to.

Onscreen means how long your screen is on like doing browsing or checking tweets,facebook,instagram.actually using the screen active.nd one more question do you use your k 900 along with your lumia 820?

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Hey are u saying the truth by your battery life i think it has bearable battery life it seems.anyway i get only 4 hours on screen time if i connect to wifi nd turn live tiles on. With location it is only 3 hrs.if u leave whole day without using i get 2 days with minimum usage wity battery saver on.so iam using my droid more.am using my Xperia c more.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
"screen on" time is not an accurate indication of battery consumption. Different apps have different battery usage, which can be seen on the battery saver app on WP 8.1

My dad has a Lumia 820. He has wifi, 3g and location turned on.he takes ut off the charger at 6 am and it lasts till 11 pm
Hey are u saying the truth by your battery life i think it has bearable battery life it seems.anyway i get only 4 hours on screen time if i connect to wifi nd turn live tiles on. With location it is only 3 hrs.if u leave whole day without using i get 2 days with minimum usage wity battery saver on.so iam using my droid more.am using my Xperia c more.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

Dude why will I lie about a battery life on a public forum? OF COURSE IT IS the truth!

3-4 hours is horrible. Somethiing is killing your battery in the background. You need to check:

Settings > Background Tasks

And kill anything that's not worthy of staying alive.

Next, I would recommend your hard reset your phone (WARNING ALL DATA WILL BE LOST) and see it from scratch. be very careful of what you install.
Mostly you have some notorious app sucking all your juice.

My suggestion, hard reset, THEN, install WP 8.1.

All the best.
Hey are u saying the truth by your battery life i think it has bearable battery life it seems.anyway i get only 4 hours on screen time if i connect to wifi nd turn live tiles on. With location it is only 3 hrs.if u leave whole day without using i get 2 days with minimum usage wity battery saver on.so iam using my droid more.am using my Xperia c more.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

..... Posted twice due to error on wpcentral app. Post deleted.
"screen on" time is not an accurate indication of battery consumption. Different apps have different battery usage, which can be seen on the battery saver app on WP 8.1

My dad has a Lumia 820. He has wifi, 3g and location turned on.he takes it off the charger at 6 am and it lasts till 11 pm.

prasath1234 This is what I am talking about.

P.S: I dont know why is everything in bold and capital.
Dude why will I lie about a battery life on a public forum? OF COURSE IT IS the truth!

3-4 hours is horrible. Somethiing is killing your battery in the background. You need to check:

Settings > Background Tasks

And kill anything that's not worthy of staying alive.

Next, I would recommend your hard reset your phone (WARNING ALL DATA WILL BE LOST) and see it from scratch. be very careful of what you install.
Mostly you have some notorious app sucking all your juice.

My suggestion, hard reset, THEN, install WP 8.1.

All the best.

Hey sorry. Thanks for your advice to hard reset.how bout your camera quality in indoors nd low light .do you have greenish or yellowish tint.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Onscreen means how long your screen is on like doing browsing or checking tweets,facebook,instagram.actually using the screen active.nd one more question do you use your k 900 along with your lumia 820?

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
No. I use 820 on weekends ONLY. and K900 during the week. My job needs me to use an Android.

Hey sorry. Thanks for your advice to hard reset.how bout your camera quality in indoors nd low light .do you have greenish or yellowish tint.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
I like how threads start off with one topic and quickly turn to another. :P

So... how did I get here? (sounds like a line from Talking Heads song...)

I've been a Nokia Symbian user for some time and I have used Windows OS almost since it's inception (yeah I'm old :P). Anyway, I thought since Symbian was coming to an end and I liked the idea behind WP I thought I would give it a go. I must admit that at the beginning I was quite disappointed with WP. As a contractor and running a business I have to say WP was a bit of failure to for me. Very frustrating to use in many cases, email being the biggest one at the time. After coming from Symbian and it's ability to do what I wanted was a bit of a shock to be limited I have to admit.

Since I am no longer a contractor and have shut the business down I no longer have many issues with WP. As device to use everyday it's fine. I still wish the app situation would improve more and I hope to see greater flexibility with the OS with the coming updates to both firmware and the OS. So on the whole I'm happy but I'm still a bit unhappy with the phone choices at the moment.

So I wait.
How is the camera quality indoor nd low light shots?

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

My wife's L820 is fantastic in low light. My L920 I have issues and I'm considering a hard reset or to download a new firmware with Nokia Software Updater.
Last edited:
I'm 20 and my first smartphone was and still is the Lumia 820.

I live in Romania and so for a few years, the dominant force was Symbian and everything Nokia. I didn't really care for smartphones when I was younger.

I first heard of Symbian and Android when I was in the sixth or seventh grade. By 2010, smartphones were all the rage, yet I still knew almost nothing about either platforms. I knew iPhones were cool and expensive, Android was something ... Other than iPhones, Blackberry was something that I saw every business man using and made very little sense to me and Windows Mobile (I learned about it only when it got to version 6.0) was overly complicated, but looking cool as well (the Vista inspired Start).

Anyway, I still didn't care for the smartphone phenomena as I was more than happy in 2008-2009 with a Nokia 6500 slide. But at least now I had some idea about what was happening in the teach world. In 2012, january-march or so, the marketing exploded about something new called Windows Phone. There were ads everywhere, on TV, in Shops, ads on the internet about the Lumia 900.

My god, what a wonderful piece of tech. I was completely captivated. I was in desperate need of having it. Yet my family deemed it to expensive to warrant it's worth. Buying one with a data plan was even more absurd. So I mostly used cheap feature phones. A Nokia 5130 XpressMusic the most.

Last year I finished high school and got into college. My parents were a little more generous and said I could get anything I wanted. By that time I was drooling over the Lumia 720 but in the end I put better specs first so in September 2013 I got the Lumia 820 unlocked for 465$. Not the best deal ever, since there were stores selling it for as low as 310$. Oh well.

It goes without saying that I am completely in love with this phone and I am gladly recommending Windows Phone to anyone I know ever since.
Family member got the phone (928) and didn't like it so I tried it and kept it. Sadly dropped it months afterwards which broke the screen, had to use a RAZR HD then when Verizon offered early edge I got the Icon.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
I had an HTC HD2 and ran win mob for a while, then got into android and custom roms. Then just for a laugh I tried wp7, man was it nice to use. Just so slick compared to android, and stable too. But still, I generally returned to android and even got a GS2 for my upgrade.

Wp7.5 was ported and I flashed it to my hd2, something just clicked and I sold my galaxy. Leaving me using a then two year old phone running a "sub par os" and you know what? It was just better. Better than the gs2, better than android.

I'm currently running a 920 and will either go for the 1520 or (fingers crossed) a new HTC wp8.1 phone. * please be an m8 running windows phone...pleeeeeeese*
I felt sorry for Microsoft. (just kidding).

Actually, I have been with Apple since the mid 1980s. Just got tired of the Apple mantra. And finally Microsoft came out with a UI that makes sense (at least to this Mac guy). But I really like Windows Phone 8 over the other two platforms. There's no skins.
It's miminalistic approach is refreshing and to tell you the truth, the whole thing just looks grown-up to me.
Android and Apple's graphic user interface looks cartoonish. WP8 fonts and graphic style just looks sophisticated, urban and elegant.
looking at my sig is more than enough to know that I'm a Nokia fan

I jumped ship from a C7-00 to Lumia 1020 because:
1. Symbian was dying (days after I got my 1020, Symbian support ended)
2. it's has a 41 mega-effin-pixels camera!

I've always loved Symbian and was unsure about the leap of faith
but after lengthy research and several tryouts with my friend's Lumia 800, I'm totally convinced to use WP
I compared everything, did my research on the 620, it raped everything from Android.
Its competitors (i cant remember the names) most of them had single core and had to make huge sacrifices in various departments. Most of them had no front camera, no HD recording, very poor screen resolution, some of them had terrible design and was too expensive.
There was absolutely 0 sacrifice that had to be made in the 620. It is definitely the Moto G of the past and worth every single penny.
A year later, convinced my friend into getting a red 920, i shall upgrade as soon as nokia releases the 730/830.
Was an IT tech intern in November of 2011 running the beta of Windows 8 on my laptop when I walked into an AT&T store and saw the HTC Titan. Saw it was a Windows Phone and was really intrigued by the idea, plus how it looked an awful lot like Windows 8. I took the plunge and rapidly fell in love with the OS. I haven't looked back and refuse to jump back to either iOS or Android. Critics and naysayers of Windows Phone be damned.

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