They said soon last October at their windows 10 event, and at Build a few weeks back they said "very soon" what kind of time frame is that? We've been waiting for months
They aren't building it from the ground up they are porting it using their osmeta tools
Sent from mTalk
Could you provide a link to that source of information?
It's in closed beta for the Desktop, if your in Italy, Brazil you can try it
We need something for mobile Even a beta. The Microsoft one is painfully slow and constantly crashing
Sent from mTalk
Maybe you can use the browser instead? I've always used UC browser
I did use the Mobile via webpage for a bit, but if you compare it to the Android App it's woefly slow. I guess if the Closed Beta App desktop is done, perhaps Mobile isn't far..we miss things like Reactions...and the soon to be released Live Status.. I'm using Android for now though, and will use the Lumia again once My Apps i need are available.