When will Cortana, (speakers...Invoke...) get multi-room functionality, and come to new territories?

I see virtual assistants like Cortana and Google Assistant as more of a mobile feature. I know Cortana is part of Windows 10 PCs, but I rarely use it on those devices. Without a viable mobile option, I think MS is trying to figure out a way to utilize Cortana in the areas its PC expertise is strongest....enterprise and enterprise. Even there, I can't see executives and business folks calling out "Hey, Cortana" to schedule meetings or appointments. Maybe, they are working to move her to more of a background entity that listens smartly for command words other than "Hey Cortana". I could see people just saying "Call Bob" or "Schedule a meeting for...." and Cortana would just know that she had been summoned. Whatever they might be planning, they definitely need to do something quickly.

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