I know it and you know it, but how many people are reading those messages really? The people complaining about bad experience on their daily drivers and delayed new version don't.
You can't filter "Stupid" and people can only do so much in regards to informing people on what they should or shouldn't do.
I can only show you the door Neo, you have to open it.
Some people are shown the door, they then reach for the door knob and right at the last second they slam their face right into it.... Then bicker and moan about the door not doing what they expected it to.
In regards to the other comment in here about how the hacked version of W10 worked just fine on their 930 but now there's a bug that prevents the newest update from working....
... Well that earlier build was designed for lower end devices and a very select list of those low end devices. Different things such as screen resolutions, multiple microphones, speaker types, LED / AMOLED.... Etc. May not have been developed dynamically for the higher end phones and therefore many of these new bugs didn't exist.... Even still, this preview wasn't given to the other devices at the time because of how many features were either not optimized properly or simply didn't work. Once you activate one or two of those features for your device that the lower end ones didn't have to deal with, and suddenly you have some serious bugs pop up.
I'll admit, it's frustrating that my 930 is going to miss the boat.... Again.
It's also frustrating that a few months back I gave my 925 to my wife's cousin whom last I heard still isn't using it and is just collecting dust, so until I get that back, I can't test on that either.
My wife doesn't really want to jump in on the W10 preview at this stage with her 1320.... So I am currently left with my mother in law's old 625 with the cracked screen she left for us to chuck away. It's not overly cracked but just a bit on the upper left side of the screen, so as a testing device, it will do, but I would prefer to test on a higher end device like my 925 & 930 as they would best represent what I would experience on a device level I will be sticking to.
Either way, it'll be ready when it's ready.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a closer look at a door knob.