When your contract is up, will you get another windows phone?

Who says you have to wait until your contract is up. You can always plan to buy 1 off contract like I do sometimes.
My contract is up in 2013 and I can't stand my carrier. The price is great but there's no coverage where I need it the most. Also AT&T have the best signal and 3G coverage here but it's so expensive =(

You can probably get your contract cancelled if you call enough and complain about the coverage where you need it most.

You could try H20 next time. They are on the AT&T network and are a lot less expensive: http://www.h2owirelessnow.com/
Who says you have to wait until your contract is up. You can always plan to buy 1 off contract like I do sometimes.

I've done that before..but it gets a little expensive doin it that way.. I'm getting used to this os and am interested in seeing where its gonna go.
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Probably. I'm switching off of T-Mobile in the next 6 months and there is no other OS I want. I went and played with a Droid Razr on Friday and liked the hardware but couldn't stand Android. My wife was the same, which she hated to admit because she had extreme resistance to switching from Android to WP7 in the first place. At this point im basically waiting on Nokia to switch carriers.
I'm sim free, but my som only contract is up in April. So it really depends what happens between now and then. I'm happy with WP7 as an OS, but if I buy into another contract I'd like better hardware so I know I'm not going to have a phone that'll be obsolete before I'm even a quarter of the way into my likely 18 months when Apollo lands.

I could just stick with the Mozart, but I'm genuinely getting a bit fed up of having a screen that's nigh-on unreadable on a sunny day outside so I'd like to do some sort of trade-up.
I'm up for renewal by the end of this year with Sprint so I have $150 credit towards a new phone. I'm considering going iPhone4s for now and maybe going back Windows in another year or two. I'll keep my Arrive as a Zune for awhile maybe. My wife will be going iPhone this year, moving up from her Blackberry and she's already buying accessories for it like a speaker dock station for the bedside. If WP7 devices had these types of features/options it would be a no brainer. I like my Arrive, I just don't have any real reason to stay one way or another. I'll make up my mind closer to the end of the year as to whether to stay or go but either way, I still see myself with a Windows phone in the future. Probably even more so after Windows8 and Windows Phone8, if they begin to merge closer to each other like I've read.
I just bought my way out of my iPhone and walked away from an ecosystem I had invested some money in...all just to get here. I really love Windows Phone, but the lack of apps and accessories is incredibly frustrating. Yesterday I was looking or a good set of ear phones with an inline mic and couldn't find one that would work right. Everything...and I mean everything... is designed to work with the iPhone. I had to custom order a case from the AT&T store because nobody carries them. Microsoft really blew it by releasing this phone before it was really ready (Mango). Now I think they have some serious ground to make up before anyone is going to take them seriously again. Look at the Focus S...nobody has even bothered reviewing it. I am also a little scared that at some point Microsoft will just bail on this like they did on the Zune devices and the Kin.

All that said....I have Zune Pass, Mobile Office, Outlook Integration, and Xbox Live games. If you give me a nice GPS Solution and Words with Friends...I am good to go.
I hope to stay with wp7, but when it's time to upgrade I'll play with the top phones out there and see what I like. I'm hoping there will be a windows 8 tablet out by then.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
More than likely I will. Wait, isn't the world supposed to end in 2012??? What happens if there are no new phones before that??!! :D
I will get another one, definitely (and since I'm a prepaid customer, there's no contract holding me back). And it doesn't matter to me my country is not supported, I'll get my way as I did with my Focus :)
Definitely. Will wait and see what Nokia releases to AT&T Q1 of 2012. If its amazing I will get it, if not, I will wait for Apollo phones since my Focus is still an excellent phone.
Since my current phone contract expires in about 2 years, I'll probably buy it out and get an iPhone, and keep telling everyone how bad MSFT is since there is still no Mnago update for the Samsung Focus 1.4.

Took a chance on WP7 and it was a huge mistake. Other phones are lights years ahead of even Mango, but I cannot even get it.
Since my current phone contract expires in about 2 years, I'll probably buy it out and get an iPhone, and keep telling everyone how bad MSFT is since there is still no Mnago update for the Samsung Focus 1.4.

Took a chance on WP7 and it was a huge mistake. Other phones are lights years ahead of even Mango, but I cannot even get it.

You know as well as we do that that was a Samsung botch job. But go ahead and spew what you need to to feel better. I doubt it would be difficult to get a replacement if you complained to AT&T.
You know as well as we do that that was a Samsung botch job. But go ahead and spew what you need to to feel better. I doubt it would be difficult to get a replacement if you complained to AT&T.
Wait, you mean use logic? No wai! It's far more productive to troll.

As I said in another thread I went back to android and I hated it. I came back to WP7 faster than Obama accepting an invitation to be on The View.

Android is just clunky, buggy and slow. It doesn't help that it takes a lot more 'clicks' to get to the same places as a windows phone.

Apple is one of those if you get just ONE of their products you then have to do almost everything through their preparatory software. They really shove their brand down your throat if you get anything they have.

WP7 is fast, easy, has all the major apps, Xbox Live... etc. I just don't know why I even went back to android. It's good to be back!!!
Yes. By the time my contract expires all the minor things that need to be tweaked should be by then so I don't see why I wouldn't.
Since my current phone contract expires in about 2 years, I'll probably buy it out and get an iPhone, and keep telling everyone how bad MSFT is since there is still no Mnago update for the Samsung Focus 1.4.

Took a chance on WP7 and it was a huge mistake. Other phones are lights years ahead of even Mango, but I cannot even get it.

Tell me what other phones do that is so "light years" ahead of WP7? What features are so incredible that other phones are so far ahead of WP7?

Really, I am curious as to what you think because I don't see it.
very likely. Then again, my contract goes out in Feb2012 :p

Of course, it will depend on what's up there by then.

Actually, one more point.... after using my ipod touch 4g for about a month (replaces a now completely dead ipod touch 1g :(), WP7 is just that much smoother o.0 I never took much notice of the little stutters and excessively long latencies of iOS (maybe it's just iOS5 on A4 SoC?) until I really got to using my Samsung Focus (which, strangely enough, replaced a broken ZuneHD - though I got the ZuneHD to replace my iPod touch [in music], due to the headphone jack breaking).
I haven't decided yet. I like WP and Android both (iPhone is not on my radar). I am not under a contract now, and I am pretty content with my Focus, so I feel pretty relaxed about waiting and seeing what comes out. I'm very interested to see how Skype is implemented on WP, and also very interested to see if new handsets will come to market between now and Christmas. Not to mention CES and the Mobile World Congress. I have one good eye on the Titan too... if I get that, I will be on a contract again, and would probably give my Focus to my daughter.

As I say, I am content just watching for now. I like both the Android and WP ecosystems, and my current handset runs smooth and has all the major apps. Interesting times for cell phone fans, to be sure.

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